Chapter I

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"Kate you're pregnant."

For the past two weeks those words have haunted me. How could I have been so stupid to get pregnant. I should have just waited to get married like I always had said that I would. I ruined that for myself now.

I sit in my room staring blankly at the TV screen. All I can think about is this baby that I am now carrying and what I should do with it. The thought of abortion crossed my mind at one point but I don't think that I should do that. The baby at least deserves the chance to live. The other two options for me is to put it up for adoption or keep it.

If I were to keep the baby I don't know how I would be able to take care of it. I barely know how to take care of myself, for heaven's sake I'm only nineteen.

"Kate are you okay?" I look towards my door not noticing that someone had walked in.

"You haven't left your room all day." My friend and one of my roommates Anastasia says.

I look over towards her, "I'm fine. Do you have William's phone number?" I ask. She is the only person I know who that knows him, she being the reason we met.

"No, but I do know where he works," she answers smiling.

That's good enough for me I just really need to speak with him sooner rather than later.

"Can you tell me?" I ask.

"Bower Corporation, it's the big building in Grand Rapids." Anastasia says.

I get up from my bed slipping on my slippers. It is a little past two so it is not too late to have a little visit. I pass Anastasia on my way out of my room.

"Are you going to tell me why you want to visit him?" She asks from behind me.

I stop walking and turn to face her debating whether or not I want to tell her right now or wait until I get back to the apartment.

"I'll tell you when I come back," I reply exiting quickly.

The car ride to Grand Rapids from East Lansing takes approximately an hour and a half due to the traffic. Nonetheless when I get to here I waste no time trying to find Bower Corporation. Not that it would be hard to find considering how big it is when I came upon it.

Honestly there is no reason for a building to look so big. I must've spent at least five minutes staring at the building in awe before actually entering it. The inside looks even better than I thought it would after seeing the outside.

The receptionist desk isn't hard for me to find either considering it has the words Receptionist Desk written on it in big bolded gold letters.

"Excuse me?" The lady at the desk looks up at me then my attire.

"How may I help you?" She asks politely.

"I need to see William," I answer.

"Last name?" She asks.

When we met he didn't give me his last name. Now I'm wishing I had asked for it. I look above her head noticing a TV screen playing a slideshow. As I look at it I see a picture of a man in a black suit with a white dress shirt and black tie. William.

"Him." I point to the picture of him. The woman turns around in her chair looking up at the slide show as well.

"The boss? He's in a meeting right now. You need to have an appointment to see him." The boss! William's last name is Bower and he owns this place?

I need an appointment to see someone? That is ridiculous. I will not have driven nearly two hours in vain. "I need to speak with him now. I do not have time to make an appointment."

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