Chapter 3

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*okay just saying Mark and Abigail are twins sorta. Okay cause some of you may be confused.
Abby's POV
_____________________________________Me and Trenton walked into the school with our fingers inter winded. Once we got to the front door I pecked at Trenton's lips. He hugged me and said in my ear "you make me the happiest man in the world". I laughed and said "but your not a man. You are a
Boy". I laughed some more before the bell rang. I quickly kissed Trenton and head to my first class.

I entered my first class noticing Jacob in the way back. Hmm I wonder if I could make him jealous. I grabbed Trenton and kissed him passionately. He seemed surprised but went along with it. "Get some Trenton get some" Weston said while Hunter and Blake rooted
Them on.
_____________________________________ I saw Jacob have a hint jealously. I kept going. Soon enough I saw a tear roll out of his eye. The teacher walked into us have our make out session. "Abigail put those lips down or you will be in huge trouble. Same goes to you Trenton." The teacher yelled. You laughed as you got comfortable in your seat. You then received a text from Jacob.
*the texts
Jacob😜:what was that about ?!?!?!?😐
Me: aww is little jakey jelly. 😎
Jacob😜: no.... But umm maybe next time get a room. 😷
Me: maybe...maybe we will..😜 gotta zayn. I need to pay attention.
Jacob: whatever😒
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////I smiled and turn to him. I smirked and started to pay attention to my class. "R-I-N-GGGGG"
All the teens ran out of he classroom like animals. Meanwhile me and Trenton were casually walking down. When my eye spots a poster. It read in big words homecoming dance. "Aye Abby. I forgot to tell you this Friday is my first football game" Trenton said with a shimmer in his eye. "I wouldn't miss it for the world" I said pecking his lips and quickly managing to make it into calculus before the bell rang.
*skip to Trenton football game also Abby is a cheerleader:)*
I headed into the girls locker room.  I quickly put on my cheerleading uniform and walked out with my Pom Poms.

As I walked out people cheered. They stared naming out the cheerleaders. "Abigail Thomas" the announcer said while I ran into the field doing a backflip then landing on my feet.

After the game everyone stayed in there seats. I went into the locker room and started to change into a pair of jeans. A plain white shirt.  As I walked out someone picked me up. But it wasn't Trenton. Instead it was one of his football friends. He carried me to the field and Trenton and the crowd were holding up letters spelling out. "A-B-B-Y H-O-M-E-C-O-M-I-N-G?
". I smiled and started crying. Tear of happiness. I ran to Trenton's arms hugging him. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jacob running away crying.

Hey guys how do you think homecoming is gonna turn out. Pick Trenton or JacobShould I make an account for this book/series. Should I add characters. If you want to be featured in a chapter or be a main character comment how you want them to be and there name. :)~~ A/N

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