Chapter 5

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Emma's POV
It's been a week since the big argument at practise! I can't get it out of my head! It just keeps replaying in my mind. I need to stop thinking about everything. So, I walk down to the soccer field. I put on my cleats and start playing with my soccer ball. I was taking a shot when a frisbee flew at my head!

I was so concentrated that I didn't even realize that Aidan and Drew were playing frisbee here the whole time. I didn't want them to come over here so I threw them the disk. DAMN! Perfect throw! I bet that they miss me being on the team! No wait, shut up and keep your head in the game!

I just finished and I'm sweating really hard! I have been out here practising for 2 hours! I take off my cleats and put on my grey vans! Wow! I really need some new shoes these are super small! That is what I'll do!

I took out my phone and called my brother Matt. "Hey Matty! Can u pick me up at school and drive me to the mall! I need some new shoes!" "Yah! I'll be there in a few minutes! I need shoes too!" I plugged my earphones into my ear and played my music.

We arrive at the mall and head into Zummies! That's when I saw the two people that I never want to see. My brother knows what happened and he knows about all of the people who did nothing! He's the closest person that I have so I can tell him anything! "It's ok if you want to leave." "No! They don't control my life! I need shoes and so do you! Let's just get them and go!"

We headed over to the wall with all the shoes on it! I turned around and Aidan and Drew both met eye contact with me! I turned around and picked out 2 pairs if shoes. A pair of turquoise vans and a pair of black toms! I walked to the checkout counter and paid for my shoes as well as a new beanie and pair of short shorts! "Matt are you almost done?" He takes forever to pick out things so ill help him! "No! I can't decide!" "Of course you can't! Ok, so you like the brown bottoms because those are like amazing. So, how about these blue supras with the brown bottoms?" "Damn those are so nice! Ok, lets go pay for them!"

We had to wait in line in front of Drew and Aidan! It was super awkward! Finally it was our turn. "That will be $107.5" "Matt do you have 5 cents?" "No sorry!" "I do!" I turned around and Aidan was holding 5 cents while Drew was looking at his shoes! "Ummm thanksss." "No problem." I payed and left the store!

Awkward, and Don't worry Max didn't die. He will be back in a little while.

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