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jimin was among one of the earliest to want to head back to class after recess today. walking towards his locker, he was about to get the books needed for the subsequent periods, but letting his eyes level with his locker, he noticed a letter sticking out from the side. curious, jimin raised an eyebrow before bringing it down and slowly unwrapping it.

carefully, he scanned through the contents in it and when he was finally done with it, jimin just wouldn't stop smiling to himself. grasping onto the letter which laid across his chest, jimin rubbed his nose shyly with his other hand and let out a soft chuckle. his eyes were shaped like crescents as he imagined how cute haeri must have looked as she secretly smuggled this letter up to his locker. however, it was also very soon after that reality hit jimin.

"a crush is just a crush", jimin muttered under his breath to remind himself before then, marching over haeri's locker. lifting up his arm, jimin slot the letter back into the side of her locker. with that, he shrugged his shoulders and ambled his way back to class.

as soon as he entered, jimin pouted when he saw that haeri wasn't back in class yet. but then, nodding his head to himself, jimin threw his bag over his table next and decided on setting up his area first. swiftly, he reached into his bag for his pocket mirror, carefully adjusting it to be at top right hand corner of his table and after that, he brought out his foolscap paper and his pencil case as usual. playing around with the pencil using his fingers, jimin bit into his lips before he eventually starts writing again.

10 august 2015

dear haeri,

you actually wrote to me! i'm like screaming inside now! honestly speaking, i really have no idea that you will even take notice of me but after reading your letter, i feel so much relieved.

so... it was really you yesterday. i knew that my eyes wouldn't fail me but you actually do care about me? you did thought of wanting to console me? really? park haeri, is this really you? i still cannot bring myself to believe it.

in school, i always see you mingling around with other boys and girls and rarely, you even meet my eyes or speak to me. hence, i thought that you just weren't interested in interacting with a nerd like me ever since.

but you know what? my heart felt really warm after receiving this letter of yours and definitely, you made my day. i didn't know that you had quite a sense of humor but i like you even more after this. thank you for the encouragement and support. i understand that i have been feeling rather down lately but i promise that i will try to stay more optimistic thereafter.

by the way, park haeri, how am i suppose to not know you? i do know that you are the girl who sits right at the far end of the class and before that, i always have second thoughts whenever i see your eyes flickering over to me. but now, i am happy to confirm that you were indeed looking at me. in actual fact, i have been watching over you too, probably even longer than you do.

haeri-ah, thank you for showering me with care and concern and not to forget, for loving my eyesmile too. and since you mention it, from today onwards, i'm really going to lean towards you. so park haeri, don't you dare run away from me or complain if i were to start clinging on to you like a koala bear alright? (:

with love,

"alright class, lesson will begin in two minutes. please get your books ready and flip them to page 310,"

jimin snapped back up at his teacher's announcement and quickly folding up the piece of letter, he secured it in the middle of his notebook. then, with his hands fiddling with his pocket mirror, jimin beamed with pleasure as he saw her reflection finally taking up the empty seat at the last row of the class. picking up his textbook at and laying it across the table at the same time, jimin spoke in a hush tone,

 picking up his textbook at and laying it across the table at the same time, jimin spoke in a hush tone,

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"i will count on you to watch over my back from now on. gomawoyo, haeri-ssi,"

dear haeri | pjmWhere stories live. Discover now