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14 august 2015

dear haeri,

so today's the 14th. actually, i was really surprised when myungsoo first invited me two days back but before i could even escape from class today, he beat me to it. pulling my ear, he led me to the canteen during recess. it was only when both you and donghyun appeared in our view that myungsoo released his grip on me and slung his arm over my shoulder instead. ruffling my hair, i heard him laughing over my reaction and looking up, that was when i met your eyes, for the second time. your mouth was wide open when you saw me making my entrance and immediately, tucking the loose strands of hair behind your ear, you shifted uncomfortably in your seat.

"wassup", myungsoo then made a causal greeting and forced me down to sit next to you, before lifting the seat beside donghyun and settling himself down.

i glanced over towards him and there he sat, smiling back at me with that satisfied grin of his. yet again, he winked, just enough for me to see, and let out a vexed chuckle.

"yo guys. let loose a little. we're a team here", myungsoo emphasized and bobbing my head up and down, i nervously added on to agree with him,

"r-right...", i had said.

at that point in time, you raised your head up to give me an amused look. then, offering me your hand, you eventually gestured for me to take it. i was beyond nervous by your initiative but controlling my hormones, i felt for your warm hand and took it in mine.

"park jimin", i officially introduced myself to you.

there was this tinge of rosiness in your cheeks when you heard me but puckering up your lips, you shook my hand briefly before you leveled your gaze with mine,

"my name is park haeri and park haeri is my name", you told me and almost instantly, i could feel the butterflies in my stomach. you were gazing so intently into my eyes that unknowingly, i let out a squeal.

internally, i was fanboying over you and being all flustered, i didn't know how to respond after which. therefore, i took a while to clear my throat before zooming in to our topic instead, which was about sports day. i know i suck and i couldn't help but to notice your face fall after what i had mentioned. i blinked my eyes at you subsequently after but averting you gaze from mine, you decided to go for a drink. clumsily, your hand then ran over the glass of milk on the table and at the next second, the substance went all over my uniform and pants

jimin took a pause in his writing and giggled to himself. leaning back against his chair, he played with the pencil in his hand as he reminisce that moment.


"sorry, i'm really s-sorry. i didn't do it on p-purpose. i.. i s-shall clean this mess up for you", haeri apologized profusely and hastily, she grabbed a few pieces of tissue paper from her bag and attempted to wipe jimin clean.

in her attempt to do so, haeri even went into the extent of kneeling down to clean jimin's pants but when her eyes leveled with jimin's abdomen, she let out a gasp and stumbled back. in her hurry, it was then jimin felt her hand brushing against his manhood accidentally.

jimin squirmed a little in his seat and showing a face of uneasiness, he quickly placed his hands on top of haeri's

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jimin squirmed a little in his seat and showing a face of uneasiness, he quickly placed his hands on top of haeri's.

"g-gwaen.. gwaenchanha", he told her as he blushed hard from her touch.

"r-really?", haeri asked dubiously.

"n-ne, real-", but before jimin could reply her, a flash of light which blinded his eyes from the opposite end startled him.

jolting up from his seat, jimin stood up reflexively and started scanning every nook and cranny of the area.

"jimin, is everything alright?", myungsoo questioned when he saw how he was behaving and noticing how the rest were staring at him, jimin immediately retreated back to his seat, shaking his head.

"yup, everything's cool", jimin replied and it was after that that myungsoo led him to his locker for the extra set of uniform he could change into. and when he returned, haeri kept insisting on sending his soiled clothes for laundry service despite his incessant refusal.


however, there was something else that bothers jimin right now. slumping back onto his chair, jimin rubbed the bridge of his nose. it was something which he doesn't have a good feeling about; and piecing them up together, jimin recalled hearing a shutter sound together with seeing a flash of light zooming past him. but just as he was deep in thoughts, jimin happened to notice donghyun approaching his locker his time.

strangely, donghyun was the one who stuffed a letter into his slot today. furrowing his brows, jimin waited till donghyun had left the scene before he scurried over to his locker. like always, he unwrapped the letter skillfully but as he read the message in it, his eyes gradually grew bigger and bigger.

"haeri", jimin breathed heavily and stuffing the letter into his side pocket rashly, he sprinted towards the sickbay in no time.

do let me know if i'm boring you :/

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