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jimin wasn't expecting this. his mouth remained gaped open as his hand reached out to pick out yet another letter which was sticking out from his locker. opening it up, it was no doubt that the letter came from 'hairy' again and this got jimin exceptionally hyped up.

grinning from ear to ear, jimin shut his locker close and proceeded down to the nearest bench to read her letter.

"paboyah", he mouthed after a quick scan of it and drawing out his stationeries, jimin began on his reply right away, even though he had never plan to give it to her.

12 august 2015

dear haeri,

please don't get me wrong. i did. i did read your letter but i'm sorry that i hurt you by returning it. i swear that i meant no harm by it and it was after much contemplation that i eventually chose to do so. i felt like i don't deserve all this that you are doing for me.

haeri, if you can see, you and i actually belong to two different worlds. you are far-fetched from who i am. you are like an angel sent from heaven whereas for me, i'm just a jinx. people always love to find fault with me which i can never figure out why and i'm really afraid that i might drag you in someday, if i were to hang out with you more.

i understand that you want to help me as a friend but look here haeri, here's the problem. no matter what, i can never see you as just a good friend. you were never just the girl who sits at the far end corner of the class to me. and, knowing that i'm a greedy person, i would definitely want something more than just friend, with you - which i can't. you are a kind hearted girl and you deserve better. i highly doubt that you would want to be with me till the end as you might end up suffering.

oh yeah and also, regarding sports day. i am really honored and happy to hear that you had signed me in your team, but haeri-ah, what's the point? i appreciate your invitation but have you asked for the opinions of donghyun and myungsoo? do they even want me to be in their team? :x

anyway, stay happy and i would love to look at you and your smile daily.

with love,

jimin let out a sigh as he finished writing. slowly, he started keeping his stationeries but when his eyes flickered to haeri's letter which was sitting right under his left hand, he gulped. jimin felt sorry towards her that he had to do it again but he had no choice. he really didn't want to expose his feelings to haeri. and so, getting up from his seat, jimin began walking towards haeri's locker when someone suddenly draped his arm over his shoulder, making jimin halt in his steps.

"yah park jimin,"

turning around, jimin widened his eyes when he saw myungsoo eyeing him suspiciously. quickly, he hid haeri's letter behind his back and asked timidly,


it sounded more like a stammer and giggling softly, myungsoo only reached out to give a pat on jimin's shoulder,

it sounded more like a stammer and giggling softly, myungsoo only reached out to give a pat on jimin's shoulder,

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"i don't understand why haeri's into you but, have a meal with us on the 14th,"
"team discussion,"

with that, myungsoo winked at jimin before he turned on his heels and headed down the corridor, leaving jimin standing by the lockers, looking dumbfounded.

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