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The next Monday, cheerleading forms were sent out.
I just happened to be one of the people who joined.

This is your chance to lose weight again! "Shut up!" I screamed to myself. You'll have a perfect body again! "Anorexia made me weak and ghostly! Not perfect!"I quietly cursed myself for having such a thought.
"AJ, please come down." My mother called from the living room, so I raced down the stairs to find her filling out a form online that'd allow me to cheer. "I need your help." I nodded and went I've to where she was. "What do I say to this part?" 'Has/Does your child have an eating disorder?' "Well yeah, I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa in July...." My mother sighed and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "How's this?" I take a look at the laptop screen. 'Yes-Weight Loss'. I heavily breathed out. "Yeah, whatever." I raced back upstairs to m safe room in my new, improved, and full of glucose body that allows me to climb stairs without passing out.

Life After An Eating DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now