Chapter Five: Go time

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(Karli's POV)

"What just happened?" James ask as I wipe the blood off of my knife and putting it back into my boots.

"Well I just killed a guy."

"So did I." He said as I took the rag out of my pocket and wipe my fingerprints off it.

"Yes I'm aware of that and now I'm killing the evidence." I said putting the gun back in the booth then I walked up to him and asked;

"What's wrong?" Putting my hand on his face.

"I got you caught up in my twisted, messed up life. I'm the reason you just killed someone, this is all my fault." He said tears running down his face.

"Hey this is not your fault.......can I tell you a secret?" I asked him.

"Yeah you can."

"This is not the first time I've killed someone." I said slightly embarrassed at what happened last year.

He looked at me surprised.

"Really?" I nod. "Its why my dad can't look at me." I wiped away his tear.

"What happened?" He ask after some minutes.

"Umm I got mad stabbed him in the heart and my dad covered for me because if he's a big time lawyer he can't have a criminal daughter." I said getting ready to go.

"Let's get out of here, yeah?"

Wow that sounded British I said stretching out my hand he took it and we walked out of the building holding hands and looking like we did not just kill two jackasses.

I unlocked my car and we got in and I started driving.

"Where do you live?" I asked pulling into my driveway.

"Why do you ask?" He asked following me into my house and up to my room.

"Because you live alone and my mother doesn't want me here. Plus I don't think I could look at her after the stunt she pulled today, so I'm moving in with you." I said as I finished packing a bag of clothes and handed it to him.

He took it and said; "You could just work on things with your mom."

I went into my closet and packed another bag.

"No we can't. No you don't know my mother once she made up her mind that's it..."

I walked out of the closet and may have took everything in it.

"...besides I don't want to be in the same area code as her much less the same house." I said walking out of the house and into my car.

"OK fine. I live six bloks down." He said as I pulled out of the driveway.

I turned to him, eyebrows raised.

He looked at me.

"What?" He asked like he didn't know.

"You live six blocks away from me? No wonder your always at my house."

We looked at each other and started laughing I'm gonna enjoy living with him.

(James' POV)

"Wow this is awesome....just awesome." Karli said walking into my house.

I had no idea she'd like it here otherwise I would have brought her here a lone time ago.

"The master bedroom is the the first door to your right." I said before I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water.

Half way through the glass I did a spit take just realizing that I told her to go to my bedroom.

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