Chapter Thirteen: Big trouble

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(Karli's POV)

We were all standing in the gym and by all I mean everyone in my school.

The principal was standing on the platform in the middle of the room with a microphone in his hand.

"Attention everyone." He almost shouted into the mic. Even though it was loud he still had to act like his mouth was a speaker box that was turned all the way up.

The room went dead silent in less that a second.

It was so quiet if a pin were to drop you could hear it as if you were laying on the ground listening through the floor.

"We are here on this not so wonderful evening because someone destroyed my daughter's car."

Oh did I mention that Vanessa is the principal's daughter.


Well she is so he was pissed his little princess got her dream car wrecked.

"If you confess now your punishment would not be as terrible as I would like it to be, but if you don't this entire senior department would be investigated and when the culprit is found you will be expelled." He said really calmly for someone who looks like they are about to explode.

There was a lot of chatter among the students while me and James just looked at each other and smiled.

Like hell I'm getting expelled. If I can rob a bank and get away with it I think I can do a little vandalism and not get caught by teachers of all people. Who are they trying to Scare here?

Anyway after no one confessed he let us go but not before not so subtly threatening us all.

James and I left school after that. We decided to go home and chill but when we got there, there was a van parked on the other side of the street that we ignored and went about our day as usual just chilling and acting crazy and shit but seven hours later they were still there just watching.

Like what the fuck?

As I took a closer look at the car I realize that they weren't looking at us but listening so I walked up to James and wrap my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest.

I reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone and started typing.

Yes I'm aware that I can't see what im typing but that doesn't matter.

As I finished typing, I pulled my arms from around him and showed him the phone which says 'Don't talk about it cause we're being watched'

He looked surprised and then walked to the window and moved the curtain to look outside.

He then came back and took my hand and joined our fingers.

"Dance with me baby." And then pressed play on his iPod that was connected to the speaker which started to blast.

Then we started dancing and talking.

"Why are they watching us?" He asked next to my ear.

"I don't know, but I can hack into the police database and try and see if I can find something." I rest my head on his shoulder

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