Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Yeah So This Is My First Story :D so be nice! I just want people to tell me if it's good or not so that I can get a hang of this writing thing :) I would like a Yes or No if you guys read this part and think I should continue writing it. No point in going on if it is rubbish!

Chapter 1

I saw him across the room in math class with some poor girl who was

too dumb to even notice that he was not listening to a single word she

was saying. Instead, he was staring at her chest and nodding when she

paused for a little while to avoid being caught. Pathetic, but this

wasn't suprising as it was Aaron J. Esdale, the typical Highschool

Jock, I'm not sure what the J stands for but i'm sure it's for jerk.

You know that type of guy that all of the girls (and some of the

boys) practically worship? That's him alright. Breezing through

highschool doing whatever he pleases whether that's hooking up with

girls or just well... Yeah his priorities are mainly just hooking up

with girls. He didn't even have to worry about college because he will

easily get a scholarship for any college he wants. That's what happens

when your captain of the football team I guess.

Although, despite how much I despised Aaron J. Esdale, I had to

admit that he was seriously the hottest guy I had ever seen. Tousled

sandy brown hair, a flawless complexion, the perfect shade of tan and

that body! It made my knees go weak just thinking about it.

Oh God, I turned around for a quick second to see what they were up

to now because I could no longer hear that annoying laugh of the

bimbo Aaron was 'talking' to before. Any wonder I couldn't....her

tongue was busy exploring the inside of Aaron's mouth! I mean we're in

the middle of algebra for God's sake have a little class! With a look

of disgust upon my face I turned back to face the blackboard and took

down my homework assignment just in time for the bell to ring.

Finally, the end of another week of this dreadful place we call school.


I quickly dumped all of my schoolbooks in my locker and proceeded to

the parking lot with my phone to wait on my best friend who I have

known since I was five. Sarah-Jane Parker or SJ as everyone called her

and her disgusting boyfriend Jay.

“Hey babe!", yuck if there was anything i hated most in this world

it was being called babe but it was Sarah, finally “listen about

today..." oh no she was going to blow me off again to go somewhere

with Jay no doubt. “I was going to-" I cut her off

“Say no more" I replied with a slightly disappointed tone, “I'll just walk home".

With that I left the parking lot to continue the long walk from school

to my house.

Great just bloody fantastic, I've only just begun the treacherous

walk when the heavens open and it starts pissing down. I swear SJ owes

me big. Hold on is that her car slowing down beside me? A black

mondeo? Yes it is! I run to the car with a huge smile on my face while

my mascara drips down my cheek. “I knew you wouldn't leave me!"

The driver rolled the car window down and laughed “why would I

leave a babe like you wondering the streets with no extremely

attractive guy to accompany you?" was not SJ.

There sitting before me in all his glory, with a stupid smirk across his smug face

was Aaron J. Esdale. I wasn't in the mood to converse with that idiot

today. I was soaking, My hair and makeup were a mess and my best

friend had just blew me off for a steamy makeout session with her


 “What" I replied sharply whilst staring at my black brogues so that

he didn't see my face.“Ouch no need to snap! I was just wondering if I can give a pretty

girl a ride home?"

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks and I let a smile escape from

my lips as I looked up to face him.

 “Oh is that right?" I asked rhetorically

 “Yeah, you don't see one around do you?" He replied laughing.

  Real mature.

“Get bent Aaron".

“Ohhh someones got an attitude! I was only joking, come on hop in,

your house is ages away from here and I'm going to yours anyway to

pick up Mark". (Mark was my annoying twin brother who was also part of

the 'A' crowd.)

I really didn't want to but I felt as though I had no choice, he

would only keep following me in his car if I didn't, plus I was

getting tired of the freezing cold rain pelting down on me.

“Fine then, but no funny buisness".


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