Chapter 3

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Mark dropped us off at the mall at 7:30 which was just in time for us to catch a showing of the hangover, I don't think that I had ever laughed so much in my entire life! When the movie was over, SJ and I decided to go to the food court to grab a slice of pizza.

I picked up a slice of hot, cheesy pizza and raised it to my mouth when I spotted him. Matt Carson.


He was my best friend when I was growing up in my hometown and we both wanted to go to Harvard when we were old enough to study law together. But, when mom and dad got their buisness launched we had to move to a bigger city and Matt and I lost touch. It brought a tear to my eye when I thought about our childhood together.

"Hey pal remember me?!" I shouted across the room. He was a lot hotter than what I remembered, then again, the last time we saw eachother we were both twelve. That would have been kinda innapropriate.

"Lu? is that you over there? You haven't changed a bit!" He said excitedly. Gee thanks, I thought when I rembered how fat and ugly I was when I was a child. I just smiled and nodded.

He came over to the wobbly table where SJ and I sat every time we came to the mall. SJ was still speechless at this point which was unlike her because she usually never shut up!

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Im actually here on an internship to get some experience and skills to make my application forms a bit more interesting so Harvard will take me." I realised how much that I had missed Matt then and remembered how loyal he was in sticking with his dreams.

"And now that we are reunited, are you still up for the life plan?" He asked, smiling with his perfect teeth which made my knees weak.

"Most definitly." I replied blushing, "We need to hang out sometime and....."

 SJ seemed to have found her voice again because she cut me off.

"Basically, Matt, Lucy wants to invite you to a party tomorrow night. Everyones going to be there so you can meet some people our age and 'catch up' with Lucy." She winked at me, with a big grin on her face.

I was ready to die of embarrassment, he won't go to a party with me! He just told me I haven't changed since I was twelve! Plus I didn't want to go to the party in the first place! It was going to be a night of sitting in a corner beside SJ and her gross boyfriend making out while trying to make smalltalk with anyone who walked past me. I shot daggers at SJ from across the table.

"Erm, sounds like fun, I have tomorrow off. Here's my number, text me the details. Oh and Lu?" I looked up slowly with a bright red face.

"Nice to see you again."

And with that he turned around and left, leaving me with an over excited SJ who clearly wanted me to hook up with my childhood best friend at some bitches party. I was going to have an eventful weekend...and for once, I couldn't wait!


Author's Note (Feel so cool saying that!)

Hey guys, this was quite a short chapter but I wanted to know if you were interested in 'the other man' or not so feedback would be good please! :) 

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