Chapter 20

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When it was lunch I collected a tray and got my usual, pizza and fries but with grapes for dessert as there was no chocolate pudding left (sad face). However when I paid for it I suddenly realised that I had nowhere to sit as I usually sat with SJ and a few others but I wasn't going near he until I figured out what was going on.

I was just about to take the 'loser' seat by the trash cans when I heard someone calling my name. It was Aaron! I didn't think he would want people knowing that he actually socialised with me, you know seeing it was typical of highschools to have certain 'clicks'

I decided to go over and sit beside him at the jocks table where a few cheerleaders that were going out with members of the football team also sat and he smiled at me.

"Why did you call me over here?" I asked him with a smile.

"I was just about to ask the same thing." Tiffany replied, possibly the most stuck up snob that walked the face of the earth.

Aaron shot Tiffany a nasty look and continued to talk to me. " I called you over here, Lucy Moony simply because you are my friend and I knew you had nowhere else to sit.

I grinned up at Aaron like the true freak I am and then an alarm went off in my head.

"Hey how did you know I had nowhere else to sit?"

Maybe Aaron knew why SJ was being so distant.

"You know....the party." Aaron said with caution. You caught her and Matt.

"I caught who and Matt?!... And caught them under what circumstances?" I spoke back agitated and confused.

"Lu, you don't remember do you?" Aaron whispered gently to me.

"No....I don't" I was beginning to get frustated, forcing my self to remember but no matter how much I tried, it was hopeless.

Aaron took me by the hand and took me out of the crowded cafeteria to tell me the whole ugly story.

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