Secret Admirer - Brett Talbot

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"Hey, let's go get some ice cream and some movies to watch tonight?" My cousin Lydia asked

"Sounds good, let me just get my keys. Wait for me outside and I'll be out in a bit.

"I walked to the kitchen counter to collect my keys, my bag and walked out to the front porch.

"Have you seen what's on your driver side window?" Lydia said

"No what?" I looked and saw a single red rose with a note.

The note read

"I love you in silence because in silence I find no rejection. I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love your laughter. I love everything about you."

"You know what that means (y/n). You have a secret admirer!" Lydia squealed

But who would leave this here? Who would be in love with me?


*Next day at school*

"(Y/N), wait up!" I heard behind me.

"Hey, Liam. What are you up to?"

Liam and I have been best friends ever since I moved to Devenford Prep last year. He was in my history class.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to catch you before you go to class." he looked at his watch " I left something in your locker. Hey, I got to run before coach yells at me. See you later." he ran toward the locker room.

I walked toward my locker to see what he was referring to. I opened it to see my notebook I lend to him, and another single red rose with a note that read

"Why is it when I look in your eyes, I fall in love with you deeper. Why is it when you hug me, I get lost in your arms."

Is this what I think it is? Is Liam my secret admirer? I'm more confused than ever.


"Ms. (Y/L/N), you're ten minutes late. Please don't let it repeat again." Ms. Clementine said

I made my way to the usual lab table.

"Did I miss anything important?" I asked my friend Brett

"Not really, no. She was just mentioning that she will be leaving for two weeks," he said with a smile

Oh good, I'm glad I didn't miss anything that important. Too much is going through my mind knowing that Liam is my secret admirer.

"What's that?" Brett asked pointing to the rose and note.

"Ohh, this? I just learned that I have a secret admirer." I said keeping my attention on Ms. Clementine

"Sounds interesting. Any clue who it is yet?"

"I do have an idea on who."

Can class go any faster? I really want to get to the bottom of this and ask Liam about this.


"Okay, we'll meet at the cafe on Thursday, to go over our project ideas." Brett said, "So I'll see you at the game later right?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll see you later. Let me just give you a good luck hug in case I don't see you before the game."

It was a custom I grew too used too. I give hugs for good luck.

I hope I see Liam before the game starts.

*Later on at the game*

"Are you sure it's him (Y/N)?" Lydia asked

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