No Matter What - Scott McCall

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Please tell me this isn't true.? Tell me this is all a lie.

"I know this is hard and all (Y/N), but we have to leave Beacon Hills."

My brother Derek said

"Why? Why can't I stay? No one is looking for me. I can protect myself."

I was frustrated and upset. If I leave I am leaving my life, my friends, my boyfriend behind.

"Look I would not be able to live with myself if something happens to my little sister." he looked into my eyes with sadness "I know Scott and his pack would do anything to keep you safe, but you are the only thing I have left."

I have been going out with Scott for about two years now and it's true. Scott would do anything to keep me safe, but Derek is all I have left of my family.

"Hey, can I just have some days to process this. I also have to think about how I am going to break the news to Scott."


I have been in my room all afternoon, thinking over and over what to tell Scott and the pack. How would they react? I was going through some pictures we took back when Lydia invited us to her lake house. I remembered that day perfectly. The day Scott poured out his feels to me.


It was the 4th of July. Lydia invited the gang to hang out at her lake house since it was a really hot summer day.

"(Y/N), haven't you noticed that Scott likes you. The way he looks at you when you aren't looking." Lydia said helping me pick an outfit.

Yeah, I had always had a crush on Scott ever since I moved back here. I just never really told anyone.

"No, he doesn't. I would have.." I said before Malia cut me off.

"(Y/N), he likes you. He even told Stiles and I a few weeks back. Trust me."

"Ugh why tell me right now. I don't want to make it any awkward now."

"You won't make it awkward."

Both girls said, "Let's just help you get ready and he will fall head over heels for you."


"Don't be nervous, just talk to him. We are here, and if you need anything. Just call us over." Malia said

We made our way to the lake dock where everyone was taking a swim. I notice Scott sitting at the end of the dock. Once he saw us, he got up and came our way.

"Good luck!" the girls said before they left me alone face to face with Scott

"What a beautiful day isn't?" he said scratching the back of his neck

I could tell he was nervous, as I was too.

"Yeah, very. What are you up too?"

"I was about to go for a walk. Would you like to join me?" he said with a smile.

"Of course."

We walked a bit until we came upon a bench. We sat there in silence until he decided to speak up.

"(Y/N) look, I really like you. I hope I'm not come on too strong, but I really don't want to keep my feeling inside for a long time." he took a deep breath "I was wondering if you could give me a chance and be my girlfriend? I promise you that no matter what the future brings us I will always be here for you"

I was really left speechless. No one has ever expressed themselves to me this way.

"Scott. I have never experienced falling in love with someone. But I am willing to give it a try. Yes. Yes, I will be your girlfriend."

Scott cheerfully stood up and gave me a kiss. Fireworks began to light up the sky behind us. It was a magical moment. Lydia and Stiles found us and snapped a picture of us.

*flashback ends*

I began to text Scott.

Me: "Hey you think you can come over? I really need to talk to you."

*phone buzzed*

Scott: "Of course, be there in a few. Is everything all right babe?"

10 minutes later Scott came by. The nerves were eating me alive.

"Hey babe is everything all right?" he said giving me a kiss on my forehead.

Here it goes. I have to tell him sooner than later.

"Scott. I really can't sugar coat this in any way, but Derek has decided that he and I leave Beacon Hills. He doesn't feel like it's safe for us to be here at the moment." tears falling down my cheeks.

He looked at me with a blank expression. Tears were slightly and slowly forming on the corners of his eyes.

"(Y/N), I love you! And I know by saying this it isn't making things easier for either of us. But I know that we are going to be together no matter what." he took my hand in his "I know you are going to be away for a while and I don't have any plan to leave. I will wait here, for you until you come back."

"I love you, Scott! And no matter what, where ever I find myself knowing that I will always be thinking of you."

Author notes: I'm sorry if this first imagine sucks. I had a writer's block for two days up until today. I hope you like it. Should I make a part 2 for this imagine. Comment and tell me what you think. And sorry if there are any grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Should I post another imagine?

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