Chimera In The City - Theo Raeken (Part 1)

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** Disclaimer : It's been awhile since I actually wrote an imagine, so I'm a bit rusty. Please bare with me as you read this full on disastrous imagine.

*Buzz Buzz*

*Buzz Buzz*

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"Hello." A gruff voice answered the phone. "This better be important since you're calling me at-" he reached over to his nightstand to check his clock "at 1:45 am."

"Theo-" A brittle voice was heard at the end of the other line "I'm sorry to call you this late-" He let out a low sigh, as he tried to adjust to the voice on the other end. "I'm sorry I woke you up, I should've never called you. Please go back to sleep, forget I called you."

"(Y/N) please don't hang up. Is everything all right?" He asked concern laced in his words.
Theo and (Y/N) have been best friends since, well ever since they can remember. They kept in touch all the time, even after (Y/N) went off to SFSU and he stayed back in Beacon Hills.

Small sobs were heard at the end of the other line. "(Y/N) please tell me what's wrong? I don't care if you woke me up. All I care about is that you are okay."

As the small sobs still continue at the other end of the line, Theo's body was being consumed by concerned as the seconds went by. His mind fluttered with different scenarios of what could have caused those tears falling down your face.

"Could you come up to the city tomorrow after work? If not-" An audible whimper was heard in between. "-if not it's okay. I'll be okay."

"Of course, I'll be there. Can you please just tell me what's going on?" he asked a little terrified of what he would hear next.

This wasn't the Theo Raeken that everyone knew in Beacon Hills. Theo was considered to be the villain, the power hungry, self-centered chimera. Nobody truly knew Theo as (Y/N) did. Theo did have a heart, a soft side that no one else has seen but (Y/N).


* (Y/N's) P.O.V. *

"So how are you going to explain your emotional wreck of a call from last night? I think it was a mistake to call him." Sarah my roommate said

To be honest the call to Theo wasn't even a mistake of a call. I just need someone from back home, someone like my best friend.


It has been a few hours since (Y/N) called Theo crying. He knew a few bits and pieces of what had her upset. He wanted to be there for his best friend. If it was up to him, he would move every mountain that was in his way. All he wanted was for (Y/N) to be in his arm and be able to tell her that everything will be okay.

*Theo's P.O.V*

All I wanted was to have time fly by. I wanted to shut my eyes and have them open to see a different time on the clock. My lack of luck was evident, my time at work went by slower and slower by the minute. Time wasn't my best friend and it was keeping me hostage from (Y/N).

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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