July 6, 2009

745 29 1

Dear  Max,

Hello, it's been a while since I wrote. I'm sorry.

Today was my last day of eighth grade. How does it feel knowing your best friend is now a big bad highschooler. You better watch out Maxine Caulfield, no middle school students are safe around me now. Pirate pals or not.

You're probably laughing so hard right now at my fake badassery. (I know badassery isn't a word, but it is now. Big bad highschooler Chloe says so.)

I wonder how your seventh grade year went. It must've been hard, especially at a new school with a bunch of  new people. I bet you did great though, you've always been a lot smarter than me and more flexible to change. I bet you're showing up all those other kids with your amazing photography.

It's midnight on a Friday night. If you were still here we'd be hanging out in a huge blanket fort, curled up and watching movies all night. I'd say we'd pull an all  nighter together, but you know better than anyone that I can't seem to pull an all nighter for my life.

I miss our pirate days. I know we're both teenagers now and we've put our pirate hats and eyepatches down for good, I wish we could go back to the good old days where we ruled our neighborhood with an iron fist.

I hope you're having fun,
Captain Chloe

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