May 12, 2012

336 17 0

Dear Max,

My life has lit up once again.

Rachel and I are the best of friends. Spring sprung early this year, so Rachel and I  have been exploring the great outdoors together. We found this old rusty shed in the middle of  American Rust and it's now our little hideout from the world. It's nice to have a secret place that only we know about.

We've claimed this shed as our own. We've towed a lot of our stuff down here and we've even placed graffiti all over the place.

Step prick keeps telling me to keep away from there, but fuck what he says. It's the only place in this shit town that brings me any sort of happiness. Besides, the only threat around American Rust is Frank, the known drug dealer of Arcadia Bay, and he's not going to hurt Rachel and I. He's infatuated with Rachel and she let him know full well that if he threatens me, he also threatens her. Rachel gets the good drugs cheap from him because of his puppy love. It's pathetic how in love he is with her.

Me, you, and Rachel would be the best of friends

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