an exception to the rule

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When the bag ban came into effect, many folks still had them and chose not to give them up. The government did a good job at coercing many to hand them over (and incentivized them handsomely). But there were still a ton of dog walkers, moms with kids in diapers, clean freaks and upcyclers who kept them. And lots of them.

Because of this, the government had to implement a "last right to use" exception so that people who had old plastic bags kicking around could still use them without repercussion. This is the legal grey area in which my business would operate.

You had to be ready for public attacks if you used them, because there were angry environmentalists who didn't agree with the "last right to use" rule. Fortunately for me, many of these activists came from the West where their mommies and daddies raised them on organic cotton and hemp totes. Some of them had never even had a plastic bag in their home.

There was a group in town notorious for mildly violent environmental activism called The Greendom Fighters. Their MO was to shame people with Green paint (eco-friendly of course).

I wondered if I would have a run in with them.

Maybe I needed an MO of my own.

Maybe I needed an MO of my own

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