Chapter Nine

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Belle was one of the prettiest girls at all of Ripley, and it's not like she was blind to it. The problem was a pressure from her grandma to always look perfect. She started to make herself throw up when she was in seventh grade. She's gotten much better, but sometimes she cracks.

Belle got cleaned up and totally changed her personality from upset to hyper.

"Tonight will be so fun!" She gushed.

"Yeah." I lied. It was some club or dance thing tonight and there was no way it was going to be fun.

"Maybe Harry will be there." She said.

"Will you give it up? I don't like him." I replied.

"I'm just teasing! chill."

I flipped her off lacing up my boots and heading out the door.

We got to the dance at nine. It was packed. We found a table towards the back where all our friends were. Dylan was sitting in the back, Belle quickly made her way over to him. Next to Dylan was Nick, someone meat head football player that probably couldn't count past ten. Next to Nick was his girlfriend, Avery, and next to Avery was Harry, with some Blonde I didn't know sitting on his lap.

He gave me a smirk as I sat down across from them, right next to some random kid in a hoodie with tattoos up his neck.

"This party is pretty fun." Dylan yelled over the blasting music, "Harry don't ya think?" Dylan laughed.

Harry didn't respond, he just gave Dylan a look as if telling him to shut up.

The blonde chick on Harry's lap was all over him. She was twisting her fingers around his curls. I realized I was starring when I felt Harry's foot tapping mine under the table.

I responded by kicking him, but instead the blond girl let out a yelp.

"What the fuck?" She said. Harry was dying of laughter, and I had cracked a smile too. I turned to the kid next to me and said, "yeah dude, what the fuck?" he just laughed.

"Let's go dance." The girl whined into Harry's ear.

"Let's." He responded, grabbing her by the butt but keeping our gaze as they made their way to the dance floor.

The place wreaked of booze, weed, and puke.

I found an emergency exit and stepped outside. I took my freezing hands out of my pocket to light a cigarette and stayed outside alone in the dark cool air.

"You're such a weirdo." A voice said.

"You're a stalker!" I responded to the recognizable British accent.

"I haven't seen you in a week." He said.

"Really? Oh yeah I guess it has been a week." I responded, seemingly uninterested.

"You're killing your lungs." He said.

"And your liver?" I replied. He shrugged.

"I'm dying anyways." He said. I looked at him.

"I mean I'm gonna die one day, so who's to say I'm not dying right now." He explained.

"Nice job kicking Paige." He said.

"It was meant for you." I said.

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure." I replied.

"Someone wasn't a little jealous?"

"Me? Jealous of you."

He just nodded.

"Trust me, it was meant for you."

"Go on a date with me." He said out of the blue.

"No." I replied. He came closer. His face inches from mine.

"Go on a date with me." He repeated.

"Bite me." I replied.

"Maybe I will." He said tugging the belt loops of my jeans.

"I thought you got the message."

"What message?" He asked.

"We're not doing this again." I pointed between us.

"Why are you such a cunt sometimes." He said, getting really angry.

"Seriously?" I said, reacting to his immaturity.

"Yes. Smile for once, would it fuckin kill you? And show a little skin you look like a nun. Also, you seem like a nun because you don't drink, you're in high school! Grow up."

"Me grow up? You're getting this mad because I won't have sex with you!"

"I asked you on a date!"

"And I said no! Get over it Harry." I said.

He was pissing me off.

He wasn't a saint himself.

"Why don't you just go get with Paige?" I said.

"I don't want Paige." He replied.

"Bummer then." I replied.

"Go on a date with me." He said again.

"Bye Harry." I said pushing him off me.

During the discussion he had backed me up against a brick wall and had his arms to the sides of my face leaning against the wall.

"Shit, Im sorry." He said.

"For what? You didn't do anything, just drop it, lets just go back to not knowing eachother. I don't even know why we're fighting." I said.

"But I like knowin you."

"You don't know me Harry."


"Bye." I said, leaving the curly haired boy out in the snow.

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