Chapter Eleven

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Harry's POV:

"Dylan!" I yelled, "Where did she go?"

"She left man." He laughed.


I walked out of the ridiculous club into the cold air. Why did I have to be such a dick to her? She was being a bitch. What's wrong with me? I saw two girls getting into a car. I grabbed the one with long brown hair.

"Aspen!" I yelled. The girl turned around, she wasn't Aspen. She was hot and I didn't even care.

"Emma." She corrected me.

"I don't care." I responded turning around.

What was I even doing? There was no way I was going to apologize to her. I just wanted to talk to her. Why was she so fucking stubborn? It was kinda cute.

What's wrong with me?

"Harry lets go." Dylan said. He had two girls hanging over the side of him.

"Im not taking them." I said.

"Why not?" He held up the face of a blonde girl. She had makeup surrounding her eyes.

"No, you and only you can get in the car or find another ride."

"Who are you?" He said, putting the two girls down and getting into the passenger seat.

"Are you on your period or something?" He asked me.

"Shut up." Was all I responded.

"Where are we going next?" He asked.

"Home, I'm tired."

"Why are you acting like a little bitch?" He asked me.

"Did you tell her?" Was all I asked.

"Who? Aspen? Harry she's hot but she's alot-"

"Did you tell her?" I cut him off.

"No, maybe I will." He said jokingly, taking out his phone.

"Dont you fucking dare."

"Relaaaaaax!" He said.

"You didn't hit me that hard." He said, examining his eye in the mirror.

I didn't say anything.

"I didn't mean to offend you, alot of people know about was Aspen used to do."

"Used to." I emphasized the word "used."

"Yeah, sure, she does still sleep around."

"And we don't?"

"Why are you so defensive of her?" He asked me.

"Im not." I lied.

I dropped Dylan off and headed to my apartment.

Aspen's POV:

I dropped Belle of at eleven.

I headed back to my place to get ready for work. I really wasn't in the mood, but I needed this job.

I put on the stupid dress they make me wear, I put on makeup and grabbed a coat before starting my motorcycle.

I pulled up to the bar and parked outside.

"Hey Aspen" my bosses voice said as I stepped through the door. The place was crowded. There were men huddled around tables with dancers standing on them. I threw down my coat and stood behind the bar serving drinks. I ignored requests to dance myself. It wasn't my night.

I mindlessly worked until 2am. I drove home and fell asleep, my mind wandering to all the different events that had happened in one night until I fell asleep in my cold, empty room.

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