Overthinking is something we do on a daily basis and it's so annoying. We all do it and it's strange because it's not like we can change the event or action usually.
Say you have just had a normal convosation with your teacher and there was a few times when you misheard them or didn't even hear them.
Things like this are stuff I overthink a lot. And it sends me mental. I always think 'what about if I looked stupid?' Or 'I bet they hate me now for messing up'. And there's always the what if's too. What if I Just didn't talk to them.
Or another scenario being some banta has just happened involving you and you use one of the worst insult ever as a comeback. For hours I will think about what I said and what I should've said to them.
As a population we all do it, some worser than others. But what if we didn't care at all? What if what happens happens and it will all be fine?