We all believe that what brand(s) you wear basically defines you as a person.Nike or Adidas means you're usually classed as 'the lad' or 'the lass'. Armani basically means you're super cool. And Primark or whatever means you probably couldn't afford anything else at the time, or you're a tramp.
Which is totally not true. Like at all! Why should a brand define you? Primark is pretty damn expensive! It's not even a proper brand and it's trying to get £12 out of me! Rip off.
And as for Armani, that shit is made up to be sooooo cool. When really it's not. It's a shirt, black or white usually, that says EA7. And how much is that shit? Like £60!! Are you having a fluffing giraffe??
And as for Nike and Adidas. All people wear from them is mainly tracky bottoms. And can I tell you, you look like right tramps when you wear them.
Just saying.