Chapter 13

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After scarfing down the plate of strawberry pancakes, which I have to admit were surprisingly delicious, we decide that we will sit in the living room and watch TV. We choose to watch Parks and Rec, and I am soon laughing to the point of crying because of something Leslie Knope says. 

My attention is taken over quite quickly, however, when I see the way Harry is laughing. It's like he's a work of art, his eyes crinkling and his dimples forming every time something funny happens. I can't tear my eyes away, and I know now what my favorite place is. This is my happy place.

He notices my staring and peeks at me with a curious look from the corner of his eye, but redirects his attention back to the TV and doesn't say a word. I am grateful for this, because I have never felt such fond feelings for him before. It has always been that he has simply confused me or enraged me, but neither of those feelings are positives, so this change in attitudes bewilders me.

Suddenly, without warning, he slaps his hands onto his knees and stands up, groaning. "Welp, you'd better get going," he says. "I'll help you gather your things."

I'm confused by his gesture, put off by his need for me to leave as quickly as he seems to. I just curtly nod, standing up and exiting the small but cozy living room. We stalk to his bedroom, and with every step grows my annoyance with him. How could we have the night and day that we had and then he pushes me aside so suddenly? Without any explanation?

I huff and brush my shoulder against his quickly while scooting past him when we enter his tiny bedroom. He notices my annoyance and says, "Problem?" He sounds just as annoyed as I am.

"You're giving me the cold shoulder all of a sudden and I did nothing wrong. But there's not a problem, I'm just going to grab my things and go home. I'm obviously not wanted here," I say. I know I am being over the top and dramatic, but I really don't know how to handle my anger. It's bubbling inside of me and no matter how much I tell myself that it's ridiculous and crazy, I can't help but let it out.

"What are you talking about Blaire?" he says, putting down my backpack that he had been putting my belongings in and stepping in front of me. His proximity matched with his towering height over my small frame intimidates me to no end. I am at a loss for words, my throat suddenly drying and begging for some water. I eye up the water on his nightstand, which is what Anne probably put next to me the night before, but before I have time to get to it, he walks even closer to me until I am forced to sit on the bed.

"You really do drive me crazy, you know that don't you?" he says, placing his palm on my cheek as he stands in front of me. I close my eyes at his touch and shiver. He notices my automatic response and leans down to my level. Our eyes connect and I see a fire lit inside of his. I imagine mine are the exact opposite of his, afraid and guarded against his seemingly random gestures.

"You drive me crazy, Harry, you know that don't you?" I counter, ignoring the shyness threatening to come up. He rolls his eyes at me sarcastically, and before I know what's happening, his lips are locked on mine once again, lighting the fire inside me that seems to only burn this bright when it's his lips on mine. It has never been this way with anyone else. I wish Steven and I could have this intense of a spark, but I mentally curse at myself when I compare the two. Steven is ten times better than Harry and I am lucky to have him.

But if I cared that much about Steven, then why couldn't I bring myself to pull away from Harry's burning touch?

Before I can answer myself, he is pushing me down so I am lying on my back on his double bed, and he is crawling over me. I reach my hands out to touch him and feel his strong biceps and muscular shoulders tense before his hands start to roam all over my body. My hormones go crazy in this moment and I no longer have any control of my thoughts or actions. All I want is him, and I will do anything to have him.

He is taking off my shirt, and I gladly let him. I take his off as well, and our skin touches, sending goosebumps to cover every square inch of my skin. He takes off my bra, and breaks the kiss to look at my bare breasts, his eyes widening while he fondles my large boobs. "You fit perfectly in my hands," he says, and his mouth goes down to suck on the sensitive skin there. I let out a moan and he bites my nipple gently pulling up and releasing it before he is sucking once again.

I didn't know someone just doing this one simple action could leave me panting and ready to black out from pleasure. He slides my jeans off of my legs until I am left in only panties, and I sit up and take his belt out of his jeans, sliding his jeans down to reveal his tight black briefs.

I see him bulging in his boxers and I can't tear my eyes away. What lies under that fabric is something that could change everything, and I know in this moment that I will gladly let it for one moment of pure bliss.

He notices my staring and smirks but says nothing, and once again I am grateful for his silence. He slides my panties down my legs and throws them on the floor, and just like that there is only one piece of clothing left to strip off of our already heated bodies. He makes a quick movement with his head towards his junk, and I know he is expecting me to take his underwear off of him.

Gently, I grab the waistband of the thin material and pull them down, his length springing up out of the tight briefs. I almost gasp at how big it is, not knowing how it will fit inside of me but definitely willing to try.

Tossing his clothes to the side, we are now fully naked and staring at each other. He bites his lip seductively, and my eyes widen as I sit back down on the bed, leaning back and using my hands to prop myself up. His eyes glaze over my whole body, taking in my nakedness. I have never felt this exposed in front of anyone before in my entire life.

I want to tear him to shreds, looking at his fit body standing in front of me. The way his muscles move under his pale skin, which are covered in tattoos that I have never seen before. I reach out and trace a pair of palm leaves that are very close to his penis, and he shudders. I smirk at him, realizing that I have just as much control over him as he does me. I continue to trace, but before I can continue my torture, he has pushed me back down on the bed and our lips connect, the whole room heating.

Our naked bodies grind together in perfect harmony, and I feel anticipation swell up inside me as we come closer and closer to fulfilling this deed. He goes to the door and closes it, turning the lights off as well. I can barely see anything, but suddenly I hear a drawer opening and closing and a packet being ripped open. I feel his presence in front of me again, and he spreads my knees apart, kneeling between them on the bed.

I feel his cock poke against my entrance, and then wince as he slowly enters me. It has been a very very long time since I have had sex, and so it is very painful to have this foreign object inside of me again. But I struggle through the temporary pain, because I know fully well that after the pain comes immense pleasure.

Soon, it seems that he has fit his whole self inside me, and he starts to thrust into me. He is gentle at first, laying tiny kisses on my neck and chest that leave me shaking as he does so. I have never felt something so intense and pleasurable before, and my moans escape before I can stop them.

Soon, he is thrusting faster and faster, repeatedly hitting the spot that feels like heaven to me. I feel something touch my bud, and soon I realize that he is rubbing circles over me as he does so. The mere image of us in this position right now in my mind nearly sends me over the edge, but soon I am brought back to our moment with the utterance of "Fuck, Blaire," by Harry, moaning uncontrollably.

"I'm gonna cum, baby," he says, and I say, "So am I." I have never wanted a moment to come so badly in my life, and I am not let down when it does.

We are both panting, and I find myself screaming his name loudly as I come undone underneath him, our breaths synchronized and our bodies melded together, sweat covering both of us.

He pulls out of me and goes to the bathroom to flush the condom, and I remain on my back in his small bedroom. The room where this all started. Where I started to see Harry as a human and not just an asshole who had nothing better to do than to torture girls like me.

When he gets back to the room, he flips the light on and says, "Well I suppose now it really is time to get a move on," and quickly dresses before throwing the rest of my belongings into the backpack that he was working on when we first came in here.


Work In Progress // h.s. auWhere stories live. Discover now