Pulsing Need 4

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Still lame. Sorry.

Dedicated to loisyfelarca. The comment made my day. Thank you. :)


I scurried my way out of the apartment complex trying to save some minutes. I was definitely running late for work and I don’t know if I could still get the usual morning coffee my boss wants.

I made it to the coffee shop and groaned with what I saw. A long line was already formed and I don’t know how I would get the dang coffee and make it to the office in time. I was about to head for another shop when Gabe, the cashier, whistled to me.

“Hey, Louise, come up here,” he motioned to me with a smirk, gesturing something on the countertop. I followed his gaze to see two cups of smoking coffee – all ready to pick and go.

I breathed a sigh of relief and went to him. I need to find a way to thank this guy. I recalled he’s been pressing for a date. Oopps, not that one.

“Thanks Gabe, you definitely saved my life,” I muttered as I flip my bag over to find some cash.

He looked at the other costumers whom I can feel their deathly gazes boring on my back. “I guess they’re not too happy with what I did. But yeah, you need to go now. 5 minutes til your call time.” He gestured to the clock behind the countertop.

“Shit,” my mind wandered off to the penalties I might endure for this. I threw a few bills to Gabe and ran my way out and to the building. I managed to get to the elevator exactly on time. I let a sigh of relief as I felt the elevator move up.

Slowly, people filed out to their respective floors. I was the only one left because I work at the topmost floor – the floor of the CEO.

Yeah. You may think of me as a big time assistant or whatever, but no. I’m the CEO’s assistant, and let me tell you, there’s nothing fun out of it. Ever since I started working here, I could count with the fingers in my hands the times that I went out with my friends. I was always in a tight schedule, always running on the clock. I need to juggle fixing my boss’ schedule, meetings with different department and clients, alibis when he’s not around, and most of all, the string of girls that he’s scheduled for the night.

You may not believe me but he’s the biggest player in town. Can’t blame him though. Own a multi-million company at such young age and all the girls will fall for you.

I arrived at my desk with a rush and put all of my things under the table. I glanced at the door of his office and I saw it was partially open – an indication he’s already here. I cursed and grabbed the coffee cup before straightening my suit and walked inside his office. For two years, it was the same. Shades of grey coloured the whole office, with a mahogany table in the middle and a floor – to – ceiling window behind. On the side were bookshelves filled with books loosely related to his work. I even found ‘The Fault In Our Stars’ by John Green once.

I knocked twice before entering. He was scribbling something in the files set on his table.

Pulsing NeedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon