Chapter 4-RYTHIAN

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Rythian's POV

I had just gotten off of the one hour plane ride from Sweden to Bristol and was standing in Bristol's airport. I looked around and found Zoey waiting for me next to a couple of teenage boys who were each staring at their phones and wearing hoodies that coveted their eyes.

I walked towards Zoey, "Hi, Zoey." I greeted, stopping to stand next to my friend.

"Hey, Ryth. You ready to go?" She asked. I nodded and we headed off to YogTowers.

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When we finally got there, Zoey went to go find Fiona while I went into the lifestream room and set up my laptop. I fiddled around with some minecraft stuff for a while. Then, I suddenly heard the sound of shuffling of feet coming from behind where I was sitting and turned to find a girl with purple and mint green hair sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Uh, hi." I said, confused.

"Hey, I'm Arwin." She replied, standing up.

"Okay, I'm sorry but I have no idea who the fuck you are because I just came from Sweden." I apologized, smiling awkwardly.

Her eyes widened and she smiled, "Herregud Jag visste inte någon här var svenska." 'Oh my God I did not know anyone here was Swedish.'

"Så, vem är du?" I asked. 'So, who are you?'

"Jag är dotter till Sparkles*" She replied. 'I'm the daughter of Sparkles*.'

"Jag visste inte att han hade en dotter." I remarked. 'I didn't know he had a daughter.'

"De adopterade mig en kort tid sedan." Arwin explained. I nodded in understanding. 'He adopted me a short time ago.'

"Så, hur vet du hur man talar svenska?" I inquired. 'So, how do you know how to speak Swedish?'

"Min födelse mamma lärde mig." She told me. I nodded and we were silent. 'My birth mother taught me.'

"Arwin! Ah, here you are." Sparkles* said, opening the door to the livestream room.

"Hi, Dad, look I just meet..." She stopped and turned to me and then I realized I hadn't told her my name yet.

"Rythian." I finished for her.

"Okay, well your Mum, Hannah, and Kim are taking you shopping now, so go meet them into the parking lot." Sparkles* said.

"Okay, adjö, Rythian."

Arwin's POV

I climbed into the back of Kim's car and we drove to the shopping centre. We sung purposely badly to the songs on the radio the whole way there, it was so much fun. When we eventually got there I was nearly dragged inside by Kim who was very excited.

We went to almost every store there was, we had to drag Hannah out of this one store that had a lot of Owl ply shoes. And I don't just mean dragged like by the arm. No, I mean we full of grabbed both of her arms and pulled her out of the store. We got a lot of funny looks doing that, but we didn't give a flying fuck about that.

I ended up getting some leggings, jeans, some simple shirts, a beanie, and a pair of purple high tops. Hannah had bought 2 owl shirts and gave me one, Mum got me the beanie which was black and mint green, and Kim got me the high tops.

"Ik ga te hebben om naar school te gaan op een gegeven moment, ben ik niet?" I assumed as we got into the car, not realizing I want speaking English.

"Uh..." Kim trailed off, staring at me as if I had just eaten an octopus and was dancing like a dying walrus.

"Oops, I meant to say: I'm going to have to go to school at one point, aren't I?" I repeated, in English this time so that they could actually understand what I was saying this time.

"Yes, we actually enrolled you in the school near our flats." Mum replied, after giving out a little chuckle. I sighed and slumped in the car seat. I did not want to go to school. But, I had to.

We went out shopping the next day, we got the normal stuff; pencils, pens, a backpack. But I also bought a gift for my parents.

"Hey Arwin, what's that?" Kim asked me, pointing to the bag which held the gifts for my parents.

"It's a thank you gift for my mum and dad." I explained, opening the bag to show her what I got my mum and dad.

" I explained, opening the bag to show her what I got my mum and dad

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"Wow." Kim breathed. "Where did you get that?"

I smiled, proud that my gift for them was so impressive. "Not telling." I said, closing the bag.

"Aw, come on!" Kim pleaded, looking up at me. I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Come on Kim, let's go." I ordered, still smiling.

"Fine." Kim huffed.

Sorry for the shortish chapter, I'll post another one later.

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