Chapter 18-The Baby

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Rythian's POV

My eyes widened, he was right, it had been 9 months. I was more anxious, sitting on the edge of my seat. The doctor came rushing into the waiting room and I shot up.

"Mr. Hellstrand, she's gone into labor." The doctor said, I ran past him and out of the corner of my eye I saw him talking to Beckii and Sparkles* but I didn't care, all I cared about, was my girlfriend. I threw open the door of the room and ran to Arwin's side. She was obviously in pain, she moved her mouth but no noise came out.

(I'm not going to explain childbirth so...)

"She's beautiful." Beckii breathed looking at Rose who Arwin was holding in her arms.

"What's her name?" Sparkles asked.

"Rose Violet Hellstrand" I responded smiling at my new daughter.

"Well hello there Rose." Beckii cooed, holding out her finger which Rose held onto as her crying turned into laughing. I quickly sent a message to everyone that the baby was born. The first to arrive was Becky who was panting as if she had run a marathon. Then Duncan, then Lewis, and so on so fourth.

"Everyone, this is Rose Violet Hellstrand!" Arwin exclaimed. Everyone clapped and cheered. Then, a doctor came into the room, fighting through the crowd of YOGSCAST members.

Arwin's POV

"Ms. Clarke, you are officially free to go." He said. The Yogs cheered and clapped again before leaving so I could change. I handed Rose to Rythian and he took her. I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that was somehow here before leaving to see my boyfriend and family.

"Arwin, I'm moving to Bristol!" Rythian exclaimed.

"Really! Oh, Rythian, that's great!" I exclaimed, hugging Rythian sideways because he was still holding Rose in his arms.

"I'm buying a flat, and you can move in with me if you'd like, we would be a proper family." Rythian offered. I nodded in agreement and we all got in the car. Instead of going straight to my parent's flat, we went to the flat Rythian had just bought. He had already got all of his stuff in there so Mum and Dad went and got me mine. Rythian did most of the unpacking, because I was taking care of Rose. We finally got all sorted out and went to YogTowers, Rythian was being quite insistent that we do. So, I went with him. It turned out that they were having a Baby shower!

I got a bunch of Baby stuff and was so happy, I can't wait until Rose grows up. I was so happy, Rythian was too. Dad was so proud, and so was Mum, but, no matter what, there was always a voice in the back of my head. I recognized that quiet voice, it was his. My torturer, the one who had made my life a living hell for years. 'You're a naive, worthless little bitch. You have doomed this Baby's life forever.' It repeated. Part of me believed it, the other, tried to push it out.

"Are you okay?" Rythian asked me, his voice a whisper so he wouldn't draw attention to our conversation.

"Yeah, don't worry." I assured, giving him a fake smile. I tried harder and harder to ignore his voice, but the more I tried to get rid of it or ignore it, the louder it seemed to become. It took all of my self-control not to put my hands over my ears.

"I think I need to lay down." I told Rythian. He looked worried but agreed, carefully taking Rose from my arms. I walked out of the room and lay down on a sofa. In seconds I was fast asleep.

I was walking along a dark corridor, the sound of dripping water was the only thing I could hear. I saw a pinch of light up ahead and ran towards it but what I saw terrified me. Rythian was chained to a stone wall, his throat cut and clearly dead. I turned to run but instead of seeing the way I came I saw Howard, sneering at me from inside a barred cage. The door swung open and I was about to step back and couldn't. I looked down to see my legs were covered in thick chains, keeping me on that spot.

"Hello, Wonderland." He said, stumbling towards me. I could smell the booze on him, he was drunk. "We're going to play a little game." I was terrified, I hated those words, I knew what they meant. And I was right.

He was somehow holding a burning hot rod, a sickening smile plastered onto his face. He had a knife in his other hand and used it to cut off the bottom half of my shirt. He brought the rod closer to my body, and I couldn't move away. He touched the red hot metal onto my skin and I screamed in agony. He took it away, leaving a red burn mark behind. This happened a couple of times, each time more painful than the last. Until I heard a voice in the back of my head, telling me to wake up.

I shot up, my breaths short and fast. Everyone was standing around me, looking very worried. I shook my head and couldn't hear the taunts any more. Despite of what had happened my mouth cracked into a smile. It was just a nightmare, I'm okay, Rythian is okay. He's locked away, he can never hurt me again. I'm safe, Rythian's safe, everyone is safe.  

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