Chapter 8 - Introducing Twilight

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(Did the last chapter make sense? Should I change the title? Oh well, it's done already.)

「Kristen's POV」

We (the cast) walked around hanging flyers about the movie we were showing, which was 'Twilight'. Everyone was super nervous as we set several seating areas. I set down some plates and started to walk towards the patio, where another TV was set when I tripped and fell on my face.

"You ok Kristen?" Jackson asks me, a bit frightened.

I pick up the plates that left my grasp and I nod at him.

"I'm ok." I assure him and I leave, setting the table on the patio.

'Why am I so clumsy?' I ask myself through my thoughts.

Carlisle read the expression on my face.

"Because, well, since you play Bella in these movies, I think you're now like her when she was human. Clumsy." He speaks his theory and I simply nod.

"Make sense." I say, shrugging.

「Rosalie's POV」

I grab several flowers that Esme has picked out and set them in a vase.

"This'll be fun!" Alice squealed.

"Pixie." Emmett mutters.

"I heard that!" Alice yells.

I roll my eyes.

"Children." Esme scolds.

Alice and Emmett immediately shut their mouths.

"They always like this?" I hear someone ask from behind me.

"Yes." I sigh with a small chuckle.

"We actually never formally introduced, I'm Nikki." She says and I turn around.

"You're my lookalike." I say.

"Very observant, but yes, yes I am." Nikki says.

「Bella's POV」

I glance up at the clock.

"Ok, it's time. People should be arriving." I say.

I hear the doorbell ring and I answer it.

"Hey Arizona!" Mike says, closing me in a hug.

"Hey Mike." I say, smiling.

"How are you?" He asks me, releasing me in the process.

"Good." I say slightly nodding.

"Bella!" I hear Kristen call my name.

"Sorry, can't catch up now, go on, take a seat. I'll be right back." I say, leading him inside.

I close the door and walk quickly to Kristen.

"What?" I ask her, spitting in her face a little.

"This is for Mike." She says, holding up a water bottle with Mikes name written in sharpie.

"Oh." I say, taking the bottle.

"Come on. I have to give him a cookie, orders from Peter." Kristen says, grabbing a cookie, wrapping it in a napkin.

I walk into the living room and toss him the water.

"Thanks Bells." He says with a wink.

"I'm married." I say with a frown.

Kristen walks in and hands him the cookie.

"There you go Newton, enjoy." She says, obviously annoyed.

"Woah, two Bellas." Mike says with a really dumb expression.

"No, I'm Kristen." She spats and walks away.

I follow her.

"Hate him?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She says simply, grabbing one of the cookies and she bites into it.

"No eating the cookies Bella 2.0!" Alice yells and Kristen growls.

"I HATE that nickname." She shouts, throwing the cookie in the trash can.

"It hates you too." I say mockingly.

She turns sharply around and walks away.

「Time Skip To Movie」

Casey skips to the DVD player and pushes in the tray.

"Now remember, this may or may not be based on a true story. You find it out for yourself." She says loudly so everyone can hear her.

The lights shut off as the word 'Twilight' flashes on the screen.

「After Movie」

"That was total based off of a true story." Jessica says.

"I agree." Eric says, pulling on his jacket.

"I don't know, vampires? Really?" Asks Tyler.

Everyone argues on the subject and it gets really loud.

"Shut it!" Emmett booms, shaking several objects.

"Thanks." Mia says.

"Party pooper." Someone mutters lowly.

"Heard that." Emmett says in a sing-song voice.

Their eyes widen and they stay glued to their spots.

Cameron pushes or shoves everyone out, only Angela walks out on her own.

"That, was... Something." Jackson says.

"I'm ready for the next move, what about you?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah." Everyone says.

"I got 'New Moon'." Elizabeth says, holding up her DVD.

"Alright then, leave everything. Movie night tomorrow." Carlisle concludes.

I shiver slightly and nod.

"Bella you ok?" Edward asks me.

"Yeah." I reply, looking around.

I shivered because I thought we were being watched.

Now, why do I get the feeling that we're being watched anyway?

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