Chapter 26 - Billy and Charlie's Unofficial Meeting

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「??? POV」

God dammit, what did he sneak in my drink. Wait a minute.

I sit up and stare at the room I was in. I was in a hospital. How'd I get here?

This was..... Great...

I call for the nurse and wait for her to come.

"Yes?" She asks me.

"I was wondering if I can go, I'm perfectly fine ma'am." I say.

"You can go sir. You were past out in the woods so we brought you here." The nurse informs me.

I nod in understanding.

I stand and walk out the doors.

Hanging my head low, I take in the scene in front of me.

Hospital, endless forest and a police car, great.

"Hey you ok? Found you in the woods." A man asks me but I dared not to look up.

"Fine, healthy as a horse." Ha, took Kristen's line.

"Why does everyone say that? First my daughter, then her again and now some stranger. Who are you anyway."

His daughter says that? Don't tell me this is who I think it is. And please don't tell me I'm where I'm hope I'm not.

"Names Billy Burke sir." I tell him scooting past.

"Hey Billy, I need to ask you some questions." He held the badge to my face.

Officer Charlie Swan it read.


I am where I think I am.

"Alright, whatcha need to know officer?"

"First off, I need to see your face." He tells me.

I lift up my head to come face-to-face with him.



And more silence.

"As you can see, I've got business to take care of." I say and I run away towards the Cullens house.

I knock on the door frantically because apparently, Charlie followed me.

"Who is it?"

"Um... If Nikki, Ashley or Kristen's there, it's Billy. Now let me in please!" I shout.

The door opens and I was pulled in.

"Billy!" Ashley exclaims.

"What are you doing here?" Kellen asks me.

"At the Cullens?"

He nods.

"Me and Charlie had an unscheduled meet." I say sheepishly.

"That's just great." A girl says.

"Who's that?" I whisper to Ash.

"That's Mackenzie."

"Holy mother." I say.

"You had a what?!" I hear someone scream and a pale Kristen comes storming down the steps.

"I'm guessing that's Bella."


"Unscheduled meet? Great." Bella yells.

Wow. You just meet one guy. Well, he is the person I'm playing and we look alike so that's a problem. Oh well.

(For lexy11100 who suggested this to happen, I hope I did good)

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