Chapter 12 - Charlie, Renee and More Visitors

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「Rachelle's POV」

I sat at the Cullens house, messing with the channels when Alice walked in.

"You're coming with me." She tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

"We're shopping." Alice squeals practically jumping up and down in delight.

"Fine." I say defeated and she shoves me into the minivan along with everyone else that was that was the cast. Except two.

She didn't realize and drives off.

「Mackenzie's POV」

Well, no shopping for me.

I finish up the sandwich Esme made for me and run outside.

Kristen was leaning against the tree and reading a book.

She looks up at me.

"Where's everyone?"

"Shopping trip with Alice."

"Understandable." Kristen says, closing her book.

"Lets go inside." She grabs me, even though I am physically 18, and tosses me over her shoulder, carrying me the whole way.

She drops me on the couch, a doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." She tells me and she sprints over there.

「Kristen's POV」

I turn the knob and open the door to find Charlie and Renee staring at me.

"Hey Bells. May we come in?" He asks.

'He thinks I'm Bella.' I think.

"Sure." I say managing a smile.

I close the door behind them and walk over to the couch, taking a seat to a now siting Mackenzie.

"So Isabella," I cringed at the name. "How have you been?" Renee asks me.

"Fine, healthy as a horse." I say with a somewhat distant look.

They exchange a glance then look back at me.

"Bella, are you sure?" Charlie asks me.

"Positive." I reply.

Silence filled the room and I could literally hear crickets chirping in the background.

"Mom, you haven't met my daughter. This is Renesmee." I say, gesturing to Mackenzie and she gives a small wave.

"Right. Charlie told me about the adoption." She says.

"Well, I better be off. I have a scheduled flight." Renee says getting up and walking to the door.

"I better go too. Later Bella." Charlie says.

"Bye." I say as they both walk out the door.

「Nikki's POV」

"You what?!" I hear Ashley scream.

We just got home from our little shopping day and Kristen was telling us the story of when Charlie and Renee came over.

"You are an insane woman." Liz exclaimed.

"Well-" Kristen began but was interrupted by a knock coming from the front door.

"What now?" Mackenzie shouts.

Peter opens the door and comes face-to-face with....

「??? POV」

"You positive this is where we're supposed to be?" Jack asks me.

"Yes, I memorized the address. Now, stop being a baby." I say, knocking, no not that, pounding on the door.

The door opens and I stare into Peter's eyes.

"Um.. Hi Mr.Cullen. Can I come in with my friends?" I ask.

"Sure." He says letting us in.

"So, Jess. How've you been?" Bella asks me.

"Fine." I say taking a look around.

"Alright, which one of you is Peter?" Jack blurts out.

The guy who was at the door, Peter, rose his hand.

"I knew it!" I shouted in victory.

"Anna?" Ashley asks me and I give a nod.

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