Chapter 13 - New Cast Members

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「Anna's POV」

"Great, more cast members." Kellen says sarcastically.

"So, you're not glad to see me?" I ask him.

"No I am." He assures me.

"Oh, didn't catch the sarcasm." I say.

Then the Cullens enter.

A low, very low growl is heard and Jack is pinned to the wall.

"Thought I killed you." Rosalie says, hate shown in her face.

"Killed me?" Jack managed to choke out. "I don't even know you." He says.

Rosalie released him and she stepped back.

"Sorry." She says.

"It's fine." He says.

"Who else is with you two?" Julia asks.

"Xavier and Caitlin." I say as they step through the door.

"Nice house." Xavier says.

"God dammit Xavier. Why do you where those creepy contacts?" Caitlin asks him.

"Because, they're creepy." He says with a grin, taking off the contacts.

"Okay, creepy resemblance." Bella says.

"Too much of the word creepy!" I shout.

"Sorry." I hear them mumble.

"So, I'm a vampire now...." Xavier says changing the subject.


Wow.. The simplest answer ever.

"And I'm going to be killed soon." Jack says.


Another simple answer.

"Who do you guys play? Not to be too nosey." Esme says.

"I play Jessica Stanley." I say.

"I play Riley Biers." Xavier says.

"I play Royce King II." Jack says.

"Kim. That's all I got." Caitlin says.

"Yay! More people to introduce to the pack. You guys are coming with me and Jake tomorrow." Renesmee says with a puppy dog face.

"Fine." I sigh.

It will be a long day tomorrow.

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