Chapter 6 - The Volturi

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「Kristen's POV」

I settle into the room that Esme gave me... Er, us. It's Bella's room I'm sleeping in along with Mackenzie, Nikki, Maggie and Casey. Ashley, Mia, MyAnna and Dakota are in Alice's room. Elizabeth, Julia, Jodelle and Rachelle are in Rosalie's room. Peter, Booboo, Taylor and Cameron are in Emmett's room. Michael, Jamie, Kellen, Robert and Jackson are in Edward's room. I throw myself onto bed and I stare up at the ceiling.

"So tired! This vampire side we have is making me stay up! I wanna go to bed!" Nikki exclaims, face planting into a pillow next to me.

"I agree." Mackenzie says.

Maggie starts laying out blankets and pillows on the floor. I sit up. My eyes are drawn to the beautiful sunset.

"Kristen?" Casey says. "Do you think we'll ever get home?"

"I don't know." I reply.

I finger the bed frame out of boredom.

"Dinner!" I hear Esme yell and we all practically run downstairs, I stumble downstairs and I fall down.

"Kristen!" Robert yells in fear.

I close my eyes, ready for impact but it never came. I open one eye and I see Edward above me smiling.

"Just like Bella when she was human." He says with a small chuckle.

I frown slightly and stand up.

"Uh... Thanks for catching me." I tell him in a small voice.

I walk away, blushing like mad. I take a seat next to MyAnna at the end of the table and I eat in silence.

"That was embarrassing..." I think to myself.

Alice was walking in, human speed, with some water bottles for us but she immediately dropped them.

"Alice?" My voice quivering a little. "What's wrong?"

She snaps out of her vision. Everyone looks at her with a concerned look.

"The Volturi, they're coming."

"Why?" Mia asks.

"They think we pose a new threat with that one." Alice says pointing to Dakota.

"I have a name!" Dakota nearly shouts.

"I know." Alice replies.

"We'll leave right now, meet them halfway." Carlisle says.

We get up and run at vampire speed through Washington and Canada.

Mackenzie finally stops and gasps for air.

The Cullens and Denali's look back at her and they stop.

"Mackenzie? You ok?" I ask her and she nods.

"Just tired." She admits and when Rosalie comes and sets her down, she immediately sleeps.

"Good night." I say to her softly.

I admit, I was tired too. I rest my head on Rob's shoulder, he was startled at first but when he realized it was me, he hugged me.



"Go to bed then, I'll watch over you."


"Yeah." Robert says with a smile.

I close my eyes and fall into a gentle sleep.

『The Next Day』

I woke up to the blinding light of the sun. I realize I'm still on Rob and he's sitting stiff as a board.

"Rob? You ok?" I ask him but he doesn't respond.

I turned to where he was looking and the Volturi was standing there.

"Uh...." I say utterly confused.

"Oh look, the human has awakened." Caius says in disgust.

I glare at him, remaining where I am.

"So, I see Alice has told you why we've come I'm sure." Aro says.

We all nod.

"I posed a threat." Dakota says, without fear.

"That and something else."

"Humans know our secret, I assume the Cullens or the Denalis have told you?" Alec says, eyeing the Cullens mostly.

"We didn't tell anyone." Bella states, raising her voice slightly.

"I'll show you." I said, fore, they thought I was the only human.

I held out my hand and Aro took it. His expression went blank.

"Excuse me but, would you mind lowering your shield?" He asked me politely.

"I'll... I'll try." I stutter.

I close my eyes and think really hard, and my shield slowly lowers.

"Thank you." Aro says, not quite as politely.

He enters my mind and I have to admit, it was a little freaky.

"Oh my." He says, staring at me.

I withdraw my hand and cuddle next to Robert for protection.

"Well, it seems we have humans that know our secret." Aro says, turning to the rest of the Volturi, earning some gasps.

"We can't let our secret now can we?" He asked to no one in particular, turning back to us.

I frown along with the other actors and actresses.

"It's already out." Casey blurts out but she quickly covers her mouth.

"What do you mean?" Aro asks.

We all exchange unsure glances.

"Well............." She starts.

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