Chapter 28 - True Loves Kiss

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「Elle's POV」

I look at my unconscious sister.

She looks so peaceful, but I don't want that. I want her here, next to me, and me knowing she's alive.

I impatiently waited for some sign and then, it came to me. They all moved and groaned.

"Dakota? You ok?" I ask her.

"Who.. Who's Dakota?" She asks me and I frown.

"You're Dakota, my sister.." I say.

"I don't have a sister, just a brother." Dakota informs me and I held back tears.

She doesn't know me.

I step back and I look away.

"Hey, are you ok?" She asks.

"Not really.." I say and I walk away, crying on the inside and the outside.

「Ashley's POV」

I watch as Elle goes away, practically crying her eyes out.

"Where- Where am I?" Nikki asks.

"The Cullen Household.. Why?" I ask her.

"Last I checked, I was on the street at night time, bleeding my guts out." She tells me.

"Trust me, that never happened." I tell her.

"But it seemed so real.." She whispers.

"So Nikki, want anything? Food, water?" I ask.

"Nikki?" She says confused.

"Yeah Nikki, that's your name." I emphasize on name.

"No. My names Rosalie." She tells me and I swear, I could've had a heart attack.

"Excuse me for one moment." I say and walk outside.

I scream at the top of my lungs.

All better.

Once inside, I run as fast as I could to Carlisle.

"Bad news, ok, I think Dakota thinks she's Jane, Nikki thinks she's Rose and I bet you Kristen is Bella." I say.

"That's bad." He says and he runs straight to his office.

I run after him.

「Time Skip」

「Taylor's POV」

As Ashley broke the news to us, I died inside.

Nikki didn't remember any of us.

She doesn't love me.

I stood up and left in frustration to run into the room she was sleeping in.

Slipping through the door, my eyes fell on Nick.

I kneeled by the bed.

"Nikki, if your in there, I want you to know that I love you." Tears rolled down my cheeks. "And I want you to come back to me.... Please." I whispered.

I stood up and kissed her on the forehead.

Then a pulse shot from her head.

What the hell was that?

She woke up. Ok, I'm in trouble.

I watch as she turned to me.

"Taylor?" She smiled. "I love you too."

(I watch Once Upon A Time, that my friends was true loves kiss.)

She kisses me on my lips.

I kissed her back.

We walked to the living room and I told them the whole thing.

"I wanna try!" Michael whines.

"To bad." I say sticking my tongue at him.

Rob and Booboo did the same to their girls and they woke up as themselves as well.

"Yay! I deed it!" Booboo shouts with a grin.

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