Chapter 1

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A/N Hey guys this is my first book so it might not be very good so I'm sorry but I'll try my best:) Please give feedback and I'm sorry if theres any spelling errors anywhere. Enjoy! Follow me!=D Here it goes!


I'm Ally Cooper, I live in a small town called Meadowbrook. I'm fourteen and I only have 2 friends; Carmin Jewls, who everyone calls Cj, and Jaycee Mulligan. Me and Cj have been best friends since we were in diapers and Jaycee joined our "crew" 3 years ago in 6th grade when she moved here from Arizona. Right now it's summer vacation and Cj is always with her on/off boyfriend Brett (theyre on right now) so it's been just me and Jaycee lately. I've never really liked boys, I mean yeah some of them are hot but I've only had one boyfriend, Garret, we dated for about a year and then I found out he was cheating on me with this girl Brea, who my twin brother Alex is now dating. A lot of boys think I'm pretty though, or atleast that's what Alex says. He's the popular kid at school that all the girls want to date. But as I told you before he's dating Brea now. She hates me, because of what happend with Garret. I don't get why though, he cheated on me with her just as much as he cheated on her with me. But when Alex is around she acts like we're best friends. It's ridiculous. Alex says that if I just tried I could get another boyfriend, but he doesnt understand, I. don't. want. one.



"What the hell is that..?" I mumbled to myslef as I rolled over. I dragged myself out of bed and shuffled over to the window where the awful noise was coming from. I sat down on the window sill and brushed my blonde hair out of my face, I squinted from the sudden brightness of the sun and once my eyes adjusted I saw what the noise was coming from. They were building a new house. Not down the street, but literally, directly next to ours. Wtf? Haven't they ever heard of personal space? There were cranes, wood, men wearing yellow construction helmets, dump trucks carying pebbles,

"Wait..pebbles..? Why do they need pebbles to build a house? Must be a weird family moving in..great.." I thought to myself. "I hope they're not weird, we already have one set of weird neighbors, the Henesh's, they're old and can barely hear, let alone remember what they ate five minutes prior. Mrs. Henesh always calls me Olly, no matter how many times I tell her it's Ally, she still thinks my name is Olly" i continued to think to myself when Alex ran into my room looking paniced and confused. His blonde flippy hair that usually didn't have a single piece out of place, was sticking up all over the place. His baby blue normally calm and cool eyes were frantic. And he was only wearing his boxers that he had slept in.

"Dude, whats the rush?" I said to him while giving him a confused and amuzed look.

"What is that god awful sound!?" He exclaimed

"Some family is mental enough to build a house two inches away from ours" I replied nodding my head towards the window.

"Seriously? Wow.. Well I'm gonna go get some food, want anything?" He asked me, still staring out the window.

"Sure, where ya going?" I asked

"Uh..the kitchen?" He answered giving me that look everyone gave me, it said, are you dumb? You must be. I hated it.

"Oh, actually, I'm not hungry" I mumbled back

"Whatever" He said as he turned and walked out of my room. I listened to his footsteps on the stairs and when they stopped and I knew he was downstairs I took out my journal and wrote. I wrote about the new house being built next to ours and how I didn't want the family to be weird.

"Maybe they'd have younger kids, I could babysit them and make some money" I thought to myself. I looked up from journal and looked out the window where somthing caught my eye.


"I can't believe my mom is making me move to some tiny town in the middle of no where. What is it called again anyways? Probably a stupid name.." I'd been having thoughts like this ever since my mom told me we were moving. How can she expect me to just pick up everything I know and leave? I've lived in the city my whole life, 14 years, and now she drags me out to some little town that know ones ever even heard of. What is it's name? Meadowview? No thats not it..Meadowbrook! That's it, yeah. Dumb name. Is it a meadow? Or a brook? It can't be both. My thoughts were interupted by my mother tapping my shoulder.

"Danny, how do you like it here so far?" She asks me timidly, she knows I'm not to keen on the idea of moving.

"I like it, it's nice" I replied with the best fake smile I could muster up. I know she's trying her best. After Steeve left (her rotten, abusive ex-boyfriend) she completely fell apart. I did everything I could to help. I even got a job. She started to get back on her feet and went back to work. But even with both of us working, without Steeve, we couldn't afford the rent. That's why were moving.

"Oh I'm so happy to hear that!" She replied in shock. I nodded and started to walk around the construction site. I just wanted to get away from everything and think. I found a big rock to sit on and started thinking about how I was going to miss my friends and how I would have to completely start from scratch in this new place. My eyes started to wander and they soon fell on a window of the house that was the home to my soon to be neighbors. I saw some one sitting on the window sill, writing. A girl? Yeah, a girl, with medium length blonde hair. That's all I can make out from here. I didn't even realize that I was starring until she looked up from whatever she was writing and starred straight into my eyes. Our gazes were locked for about 5 seconds when she suddenly pulled her curtains closed a

nd just like that, she was gone.

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