Chapter 11

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---ALLY'S POV---

I woke up from a deep sleep and looked around. Somthing was missing, Danny. He must've gone downstairs already. I decided to take my time, we don't have to go anywhere today, except the doctors for my ankle. And I don't even know if we're going to be able to do that, I can't exactly tell my mom what happened.

I took my phone off of the chargr and plugged my headphones in. I opened pandora and put the ear buds in my ears as I waited for it to load. When it did the song "The Only Exception" by Paramore came on.

"And my momma swore,

that she would never let herself forget.

And that was the day that I promised,

I'd never sing of love, if it does not exsist.

But darlin'

You are the only exception

you are the only exception

you are the only exception

you are the only exception"

This song reminds me of Danny. I told myself that love wasn't real and that I didn't want anything to do with it, but Danny helped me see that it is real, and it's amazing. He's my only exception.

"And I've always lived like this,

keeping a comfortable distance.

and up until now I swore to myself,

that I'm content with loneliness.

Because none of it was ever worth the risk.

Well you are the only exception.

You are the only exception.

You are the only exception.

You are the only exception.

/I'm so lucky to have him<3/


I woke up around ten and just layed there for a few minutes. I really had to go to the bathroom but I didn't want to move and wake up Ally. I layed there for another 5 minutes and decided that if I didn't go soon I would explode. So I slowly slithered out of bed and tip toed out the door. I quietly closed it and padded down the hall to the bathroom. When I was done I headed downstairs and found Alex sitting on the couch watching T.v.

"Hey man, what'ya watchin'? I asked as I entered the room

"The Middle" he replied not looking up from his phone which he was smiling at..weird.

"I love that show, mind if I watch with you?" I asked, heading for the other end of the couch, knowing he would say yes.

"Yeah go ahead" he answered

"Thanks, what are you doing?" I said sitting down and nodding towards his phone

"Talking to Cj" he said, still not looking up.

"Ohhhh Cj, now I understand" I said smiling. He looked at me with a quizzical look,

"Understand what?" He asked.

"Why you keep smiling at your phone" I said chuckling.

"I am not smiling at my phone" he said defensivly. Just then his phone went off and sure enough, when he looked at it, he smiled.

"Ahem" I said and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Okay fine, you're right" he admitted

"I know I am" I said cheekily, "so what's going on with you two?" I asked curiously.

"We've been talking a lot lately, and she said me and her should be ride buddies at the carnival because you'll be with Ally and Jaycee will be with Keith" he replied

"Ohhh, ride buddies eh?" I said raising my eyebrows. He rolled his eyes. And nodded towards the stairs, saying,

"You're girlfriends calling you"

He was right, I heard Ally calling me, I got up and went to see what she needed. When I walked into her room I found her on the floor holding her ankle. Trying to hold back tears.

"Ally what's wrong!?" I asked frantically

"My ankle, it was fine when I was laying down but as soon as I tried to put weight on it a sharp pain shot through my leg, I can't walk!" She said paniced

"Okay, calm down, come here, I'll carry you downstairs and well go to the hospital" I said walking over to her and picking her up.

"How are we gonna get to the hospital?" She asked, "neither of our moms are home"

"We'll figure somthing out" I said pushing the door open with my door.

Alex! Get up, we're going to the hospital" I shouted as I stepped onto the first step. I had to go slow so I didn't fall.

"What!? Why!? What's wrong!?" He asked, imediatly worried

"Last night, when Ally hurt her ankle, it's worse than we thought, she can't walk"

"Let's go" he said, grabbing the keys.

"Alex, are you insane? You're fourteen, you can't drive." I said giving him a quizical look

"Watch me" he said, already at the door. Ally looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head no.

"Ally, we kind of don't have a choice.." I said nervously, getting in the car with Alex driving isn't exactly the most comforting thought for me either.

"Fine" she said, giving in. I carried her out to the car and she put on her seatbelt. I walked around the other side and slid in next to her. Alex put the key into the ignition and started the car. He slightly tapped the gas petal and the car jerked forward a little. Ally grabbed my hand and mumbled,

"We're going to die.."

Alex didn't even hear her he was so focussed.

---ALLY'S POV---

We finally arrived at the hospital safely. I had squeezed Danny's hand all the way there, I was horrified. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door as Danny walked around the car to get me out and cary me.

"Come 'ere" he said reaching for me. I slid into his strong arms and pushed the door closed with my good foot. We all walked into the hospital and looked around. It smelled like a bunch of different cleaning products and bleach. Danny set me down in a chair and went to check me in at the front desk. Alex sat down next to me,

"How ya feelin'" he asked

"Hurts" I replied looking at my swollen ankle.

"It looks like it would" he agreed. I nodded and turned my attention to Danny who was talking to the women at the desk. This is one of the many things I love about Danny, no matter how bad the situation is, he stays calm and always knows what to do. Just like when I got the glass in my foot, he didn't panic or anything. It's so comforting to know that he can handle tough situations, I know he'll always be there for me, and I'll always be there for him too.

Danny was making his way back over to where me and Alex were sitting. He sat down next to me and told me how long we'd be waiting, about an hour.


A/N Hey guys sooo sorry it took so long to update, I've been crazy busy with school, and dance starts next week so I'm gonna be even busier, but I promise I'll do my best:) Thanks for reading, comment and follow!:D


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