Chapter 3

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I sat in my room for 15 minutes waiting for Jaycee. As i sat there I thought about the boy from the window. I wonder what his name is.. is he the one moving into that house? Maybe we'll have classes together at school. I wonder *CRASH!!* What the hell!?

"MOM! ARE YOU OK?!" I yelled down the hall as I approached the stairs.

"Crap crap crap ow, holy shhhhhiii-ugar oh my effing gosh" I heard her mumble to herself.

"Mom?" I timidly asked from the bottom of the stairs.

"Stay!" My mom ordered me and that was when I noticed the glass all over the floor and one piece in her foot.

"Eww mom, that's in there pretty deep, I think you're gonna need to go to the hospital for stitches" i said cringing at the sight of blood dripping on to the floor. Nastyness.

"No-no! I'm okay I'll get it out myself" she said with pain in her voice. That's the thing about my mom, she never, ever. Wants help. And she's deathly affraid of needles.

"Mom, you need to go to the hospital, now, before our white carpet is red" I said taking control.

"Ally, I'm the adult in this situation remember?" She replied giving me that look, errggg I can't stand it. And it's been given to me two times already today and it's not even 12 oclock yet. That's a new record.

"Fine, whatever mom, but when it gets infected don't come crying to me" I said, now annoyed.

Just then the door opened and Alex came in, followed by a figure I didn't recongnize at first. I looked around Alex to get a better look and who do I see? The one and only: boy from the window. I froze. All the feelings from this morning when I first saw him came rushing back. I could barely breathe. I was in such a daze that I stepped down off of the stair I had been standing on, only to have a piece of glass stabbed into my foot.

"OWWW!!!!" I screamed and stumbled forward straight into the boy from the window who caught me and stood me back up. I tried to put my foot down but winced at the pain and quickly picked it back up. Since I don't have very good balance I had to grab somthing to keep from falling over and the closest thing at the time was the boy from the windows shoulder. /man I should really learn his name/ (A/N since I'm writing this on my nook I cant change the font or italasize things, so when things are written in between two /'s, thats what whichever characters POV its in is thinking.:)


As Alex walked me through his front door I found myself having trouble breathing, my legs feel like jello, my mouth is dry, my hands are sweaty, and my heart is pounding out of my chest. As I stepped through the door I looked around. It was a nice house, it was smaller than it looked from the outside, but I liked it, it was cozy. There were lots of pictures of Alex, who I assumed to be his mom and dad, and the girl from the window. There they were at the beach, and at disney land, and hey look! There they are in New York City! My home! Well, my old home now. As I took another step I heard and felt somthing crunch under my foot, I looked down and saw broken glass everywhere. That's when I saw the women from the pictures leaning over holding onto the counter with one hand and doing somthing to the foot she wasn't standing on with the other.

"MOOOMMM I'M BACK! ARE YOU REA. Oh you're right there, what are you doing?" He asked also not noticing the women, who I now know is his mother, at first.

"I'm trying... to get.. this piece of glass... out... of my foot" she said, not looking up from her foot, evidently very focused.

"Why's there glass in your foot?" He asked, as he grabbed the broom and began sweeping up the mess.

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