Chapter 2

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A/N Hey guys sooo I'm sorry this took so long to update, I've been in the Boston for the past few days and I was writting at night before I went to bed and this morning I went to finish it and post it was gone...-_- yeah. Completely vanished. Idky because it was there last night and I searched for it for like 20 minutes and I can't find it anywhere. So mad. So I rewrote it for you, sorry it's kinda short. Enjoy:)


I didn't know what to do. I saw the boy sitting out there on the rock and we just starred at each other. I completely froze, like a dear in headlights. So i paniced and hurridly shut the curtains. My heart was pounding and I had a weird feeling in my stomache, it was so unfamiliar... I didn't like it. So I snapped my journal closed and put it back in the drawr and locked it. I was meeting Jaycee down at the park later so I decided to take a shower. As the water ran over me the boy from the window kept popping back into my head. He bad brown flippy hair, but not like Alex's. His was more shaggy and windswept looking while Alex's never had a single piece out of place. He was wearing a black and yellow snapback which is what caught my eye in the first place because Alex has the same one. I finished showering, wrapped myself in my pink towel with "Ally" embroidered on it, my grandma gave me it last year for my birthday, and padded down the hallway to my room. I put on my dark jean short shorts and a black top that say's "I don't care;)" on it. I walked back down the hallway into the bathroom again to brush my hair and teeth. As I walked out I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror. All I saw was me. Ally Cooper. Same shoulder length blonde hair, same brown eyes, same everything. Nothing new, nothing special. I grabbed my phone and texted Jaycee

"Ready when u r"

"Kk b there in about 20 mins"

"C ya then"

As I slipped my phone into my pocket and headed back to my room to wait for Jaycee the boy in the window found his way back into my thoughts, who is this kid and why won't he leave my head?

---ALEX'S POV---

"MOM I'M GONNA WALK OVER TO THE NEIGHBORS AND SAY HI!!" I hollered up the stairs while peeling a banana.

"Ok hun, don't take to long, I'm driving your sister down to the park to meet Jaycee and Brea called and said she was going to the park so I said I'd bring you along too" she said walking down the stairs with a towel still on her head from her shower

"Ok're gonna take that off before we leave right" I asked worriedly pointing to her towel.

"Yes Alex, I'm going to take it off" she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Ok good, I'll be back in about 10-15 minutes" I said throwing my banana peel in the garbage and walking out the door.


I sat there on the rock thinking about the girl from the window. I wonder if she goes to my school, I wonder if she's in my grade, I wonder if we'll have classes together, that is, if we do go to the same school and are in the same grade. My thoughts were interupted when I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey man, I'm Alex. You moving in here?" He said

"Huh! What? Oh hi, yeah I am. I'm Danny" I replied shaking his hand

"Cool, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" he said

"It's fine, I was just thinking."

"Bout what?" He asked

"Oh uhh.. nothing" I said, shoving my hands in my pockets and looking at the ground.

"It's a girl huh?" He asked with a smug grin.

"Yeah I guess, I don't even know who she is though, we made eye contact and she kinda just, disapeared.." I answered, embarreced and kicked a pebble.

"Ah man that sucks, well maybe you'll see her again and she'll stick around" he said sympathetically punching me in the arm.

"Yeah, maybe"

"Hey you doin' anything today?" He asked me.

"Umm I don't think so why?"

"My mom's driving me and my sister down to the park to hang with her friend and my girlfriend, you can come if you want?"

"Ok, let me ask my mom real quick" I said walking towards my mom who was talking to one of the construction works who looked more like a giant than a human, he was like 7 feet tall.

"Hey mom, can I go to the park with my friend?"

"When?" She asked not even looking up from whatever the giant was showing her on his clipboard.

"Right now."

"Uhh, huh, what? Um, sure go ahead" she said clearly distracted with what she was doing.

"K thanks, I'll text you when we leave"

"Uh-huh" she said

"Love you too" I mumbled as I turned and walked back to Alex and told him I could go.

"Awsome, come on we can wait at my house" he said smiling

"Ok, do you live close to here?"

"Yeah, that's my house" he said pointing to the house where I saw the girl in the window. My eyes got wide and my stomache got this weird feeling. Oh-no, what if the girl I saw was Alex's girlfriend, that'd be terrible! I'd loose my only friend. But maybe it's his sister, I could ask him.. but what if he's one of those overprotective brothers that wants to kill any guy who even looks at his sister? I'll keep it to myself for now I decided. My panic must have been noticale because I saw Alex starring at me and as if he read mg mind he asked

"Dude, are you ok? You're like, pure white"

"Oh, er, yeah I'm uh, I'm fine" I said as we started up his driveway.

"Ok, well here we are" he said stopping in front of the front steps. We walked up to them and with every step I took I got more and more nervouse because I was that much closer, to the girl in the window.

A/N There ya go!! I hope you like it because I wrote it twice! Lol:D What's gonna happen? Ohhh hahah idk I'm kinda hyper, idky, well yes I do, anyways, comment, vote, follow me, and don't forget to smile!!:)


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