(22) It's Official

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Angeline's POV:

I was ready. So very ready. But I was also scared. Then Shadow drops the bomb on me that he was abused as a child just makes it worse. If I had known that information beforehand, I wouldn't have done that scene with him. What boggles my mind the most is, he's so nonchalant about doing sexual acts. I was raped, as an adult, and intimacy triggers me. I wonder if he's ever processed what happened to him, or has he suppressed the trauma to the point where he doesn't experience triggers. Everyone deals with their trauma in their own way.

Shadow was on his new phone talking in hushed tones. From where I was standing I couldn't hear what he was saying. Who was he talking to anyway? I didn't know Shadow had any friends. It sounds mean but after all, he did just come from the streets. It wouldn't surprise me if he made friends with the other subs at the club.

"Ready?" Shadow said, snapping me from my thoughts. I smiled and nodded. Shadow looked at me with concern but I chose to ignore it and lead the way.

We drove to a restaurant Richard's mother owns. It came to me as a shock when I found out he was actually rich. He doesn't flaunt it like most. Marylynn is happy about that, she doesn't like snobs. Nor do I. I may be rich but I don't associate with snobby people riding Ferraris. Yes, I have had my fair share of subs who thought they would be able to get one of those god awful cars. I'm not a sugar mama. If I want to buy you something I will. If I wish to spoil my submissive I will. But don't EVER beg me for money. That shit gets annoying really quickly.

We got out of the car and headed into the nice restaurant. Shadow went with a nice shirt and tie while I wore my favorite sundress. It's quite nice here, so I can show a little skin.

"Is that the most beautiful woman in the world?" Alex, Richard's brother said as we approached. I blushed and tucked a hair behind my ear.

"Oh, Alex!" I chuckled while walking into his open arms. His familiar scent filled my nostrils causing me to smile. I had a thing for cologne.

"It's been a long time Mistress," He whispered in my ear. His words sent shivers down my spine as my cheeks warmed.

I shook hands with Richard's sister. She wouldn't make eye contact. I found it kind of amusing. Shadow may not officially be my boyfriend, but he definitely wasn't going to be hers.

"Angeline, darling. How nice to see you again." His mother said as I kissed her cheeks.

"Likewise Madame," I said as I took my seat next to Alex. I smiled over at Richard and Marylynn. Marylynn rode with me once she confirmed that I was okay.

"What brings you to Paris?" She asked me.

"I needed to get my man," I said simply.

Heads snapped over to me, as Shadow choked on his drink. I patted his back, highly amused, and returned my attention back to the table. Chelsea avoided my eye contact, Alex looked at me as though he knew something I didn't, Richard looked thoroughly pleased and surprised, Eleanor just smiled, while Marylynn kept her calm and composed facial expression.

"Angeline, can I have a word with you?" Marylynn said. I nodded and followed her outside onto the balcony. You could see the Eiffel tower from here. I remember the first time I went up there with Jake. I'm afraid of heights, so when I reached the top I vomited everywhere. I felt awful for the people at the bottom. Jake thought it was funny, I guess it really was.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You're serious about this?" She asked her own gaze on the beautiful sight before us. I really need to travel more.

"We're going to have sex," I said simply. I'm not sure when but it's gonna happen.

Her surprised gaze found my equally surprised face. Then she glanced over to Shadow, as did I. He was leaning over my seat talking to Alex. I was curious to what they were talking about but I didn't care. I was too busy staring at his beautiful face. He had a small stubble that needed to be shaved. It made him look older which was kind of cute.

"I wish you the best of luck Ang. I'm proud of you." She said and wrapped her arms around me.

"Thanks, babe," I said and hugged her back. Not often do we display the fact that we're actually best friends. Things are usually kept professional around other people.

We made our way back to the table and joined in the conversation. The lunch went well, Shadow seemed more open than I remember. He laughed and went along with the jokes Alex told at the table. It was nice, these people were like my family. Even Chelsea. She's a nice girl, but not for me. She had some weird fascination with me. So, I finally let her have a taste. Since then, she's been obsessed. Now, she crossed the line trying to take my man.

"Angeline, I'm going to ride back with Alex. I'll meet you back at the hotel," Shadow said after dinner.

"Uhm, okay," I said confused, refraining from pouting. After all, I just got here and made the decision to try things with him. Call me selfish but I want to spend time with him alone. He kissed my cheek and walked off with Alex. I stared after them and then made my way to my car.

"Angeline!" Richard called. I turned and smiled as Richard jogged over.

"What's up, dude?" I asked in the most American skater dude voice I could manage.

"Oh ya know, just trying to get away from these basic bitches." He said in his white girl voice. I died laughing as well as Richard. Once I regained my composure I asked him what he wanted.

"Would you run me to a few places? I want to look for a special gift for Marylynn. She's been stressed with the baby and I want to brighten her mood." He blushed as he shifted uncomfortably. Richard has never been shy to buy Marylynn anything. Granted, that woman is not easy to shop for. She doesn't care about material things. One thing I can agree on is the fact that Marylynn has been acting differently lately, and I've been so wrapped up in my own painful world that I hadn't noticed. Makes me a shitty best friend.

"Okay," I said, not really in the mood to argue. All I wanted to do was go back to my hotel room. If Shadow isn't there, I can work on my book.

After what seemed like hours me and Richard managed to hit every jewelry store in this town. He ended up getting dog tags engraved with "HERS" and "HIS". It was cute but seriously? Driving all over town for the simplest gift? Something that could have easily been bought in the states. But coming from Paris is supposed to make it romantic?

We finally reached the hotel and went to our rooms. I walked in and was met with silence. Sadness washed over me. Did I jump the gun by coming here? Perhaps I should have just waited until he returned from the trip. But if I had, would he have ended up with Helen? I made the right decision showing up when I did... Right?

"Shadow?" I called. No answer. Where was he? Probably still hanging out with Alex. Which was good because he deserves time with a friend. However, I came all this way to be with him.

I walked into my suite and kicked off my sandals. I flipped on the light and nearly screamed. Shadow and Alex kneeled on my bed with their hands behind their backs and their heads bowed. A note was on the bed in front of them. My achy feet hit the soft carpet as I padded over to the bed. Reaching down I grabbed the note.

It read:

Mistress Angeline,

Do what you want with us.

My eyes returned to the scene in front of me. "Shadow, are you... are you sure?"

He didn't respond. My eyes returned to the note in my hand. I noticed an arrow pointed at the corner directing me to turn the page, so I did. On the other side of the note read:

I'm sure.



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