Author's Note

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Annyeonghaseyo, Hello! and I don't know -- Bonjour? Anyway, hey guys it's me Iris! Lately I have been obsessing over kpop, kdramas, basically korean culture in general. The latest kdrama I have been watching however, is Moorim School. Oh my god, it's sooo good. You have to watch it!

Now in these notes I like to say some important things, key things you should know about the story. First of all this takes place after the exams, before the whole school goes on a trip to the resort. So happens before episode 8 I believe. Comment down below if I am wrong.

Anywho, this is around the time Wang Chi Ang notices his Ariel getting nice and cozy with Shin Woo and his blood starts to boil. Hehe. Also Hwang Sun-A is noticing his jealousy towards Shin Woo.

Well that's all I have to say, so lets begin the fanfic, shall we?!

moorim school - wang chi ang x hwang sun ahWhere stories live. Discover now