Secrets are Meant to be Secrets {9}

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It took Sun Ah a second to process what she was actually doing.

That second was when she had opened her eyes to shocked faces and gaped mouths of her fellow classmates.

That's when she began to realize the consequences of her action.

She immediately tore her arms off of Chi Ang, her face burning up at the embarrassment she had caused herself.

And seeing everyone's eyes on her, boring holes in her skin, and with that she ran.

Sun Ah was a great runner, so she ran, leaving the mess she had just made.


Chi Ang let his elevated arms fall back to his side and stared at the doors Sun Ah ran out of.

He resisted the urge to run after her, to show emotion, in attempts to salvage their covered up relationship.

Their was an eerie silence hanging in the room that no one made a sound to get rid of.

The Dean stared at the doors his daughter ran out of and was completely confused on why she had hugged him like that.

Nevertheless he brought his attention back to his students who stood frozen.
"Everybody finals are over now, you may go back to your dorms but make sure to come back for the informational meeting tonight in the gym about the field trip."he boomed, speaking in a loud but steady voice.

The kids nodded quickly dispersing to places they needed to be and such.

Chi Ang waited before trudging over to the double doors, one of the last to walk out.

That's when the Dean walked down the stairs, his stern eyes on Chi Ang's back.

"Wang Chi Ang" The Dean said as he walked over to the boy, hands folded behind his back.

Chi Ang froze in his spot before turning around to face the Dean. He gulped making eye contact with the serious adult.

"Ye?" Chi Ang said his eyes falling down to his shoes in attempt to get away from the dean's stare.

That's when the Dean walked closer his face close to Chi Ang's shoulder.

"Whatever relationship you have with my daughter, I will not tolerate it if you cross the line. Araso?" he said almost as if he was talking to a child and warning him not to touch a hot stove.

Chi Ang was stricken with fear and nodded slowly before the Dean brushed past the boy his mouth shaping a straight line.


Shi Woo had already walked outside along with the now lively crowd. But instead of walking back to his dorm he stood outside the double doors and waited for Chi Ang.

He needed to talk to him about what just happened. Were the two together? It surely looked like it. But on the other hand they could be just friends and Sun Ah got too excited.

Shi Woo let all these thoughts swim around in his mind as he waited.

Chi Ang trudged out of the gym, his eyes glued to his shoes.

Shi Woo looked up to see Chi Ang almost walking like a zombie.

"Wang Chi Ang. . ." Shi Woo said wondering why the older male was so gloomy.

Wang chi Ang looked over at the ebony haired guy leaning on the wall.

He instantly straightened his posture. "What?"

"Is there something going on between you and Hwang Sun Ah?" he asked curiously his brows furrowing.

Wang Chi Ang shook his head and moved onto walking back to the dorm.


Hwang Sun Ah had ran all the way to her dorm room and faceplanted herself on her bed in attempts to hide her out most embarrassment and anger.

These emotions collided greatly inside of her to the point she had to hide her face in a pillow to control them.

All she could think was : You Pabo you, stupid crazy Pabo.

She turned onto her back with an exasperated sigh, squeezing her eyes shut away from reality.

That's when she heard the door to her dorm open and slowly close, careful footsteps making their way to her bed.

She felt something brush her nose and opened her eyes to find Soon Duk looking right over her eyes wide.

"Sun Ah, what just happened?"

That's when her emotions went loose and she screamed in anger at herself and fate, and the world, and just about anything she could blame.

Soon duk fell back a few steps very much surprised at the reaction.

"I'm guessing you didn't intend for that to happen huh?"

Sun Ah nodded sitting up on her bed, her chin resting on her knees, as she hugged them.

Soon Duk sighed going a bit crazy herself from the mystery of Chi Ang and Sun Ah's relationship.

That's when she nodded to herself and looked up again her dark brown eyes trained on the female in front of her.

"Are you and Chi Ang dating?"

At that Sun Ah snapped her head up to look her best friend in the face, her mouth shaping a perfect 'o'.

Friends really do have psychic powers . . . she thought hugging herself even tighter.

Sun Ah's mind was going down in chaos as she battled the two choices she could make at the very moment.

Should she confess the two week held secret? She could trust her best friend right?

That's when after some silence Sun Ah broke it.

"No, were not."

She couldn't say yes. Chi Ang and her had made a promise. A promise that she'd keep figuring Chi Ang was keeping his end of The bargain.

She said it so steadily so calmly, Soon duk was ready to accept it.

But a best friend isn't called a best friend for nothing.

They have secret powers to decode the others body language, a power that gains skill after some time spent with the individual.

Soon Duk didn't miss the twitch of Sun Ah's eyes or when she went to bite her lip.

"You're lying aren't you? Sun Ah tell me the truth." Soon Duk said calmly trying to reason with the girl. "I'm your best friend you can trust me"

That's when Sun Ah felt her lips tremble. "Yes. Yes I'm dating that Pabo Chi Ang!" she yelled her eyes giving out, letting tears run down her face."I'm sorry Soon Duk for lying to y-you, I'm so sorry"


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