Rumors Do Get Around {8}

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Third Person POV

Some time had passed since Chi Ang and Sun Ah's date as the school was busy preaparing for finals. Rumors were floating around that they might go on field trip at the end of finals but Sun Ah ignored them all.

She was too busy to worry about some little rumor as she was focusing on her own preparation for the finals and Chi Ang's as well.

It was much harder than one thought.
First of all whenever she'd try to correct his mistakes he'd smirk and say 'I still don't get it can you teach me step by step?' .And she was totally fine with that as she was his tutor after all.

But his intentions were not so that she could teach him, it was so he could show his muscles off to her.

If any bystander would happen to pass by they'd think they were having a nice 'flirting session' instead of an educated one.

This ticked Sun Ah even more. She hated this childish and flirtatious behavior as it would set her off track all the time.

These finals were even more serious for her as she had to literally 'fight for her spot' as first place in the whole school.

That person she had to fight was none other than stuck up Jung who didn't really deserve to have the spot of first place.

Sun Ah was in her room at this moment reading up on the subject of martial arts when she heard a knock on the door.

Blinking she paused to look up at her door before saying "Come in".

The Dean of the school opened The door and walked in with that small smile of his.

"Aboji!" Sun Ah yelled, her face bursting into a smile a's she leaped out of her chair to hug him.

Her dad embraced her laughing a bit at her excitement as she's been seeing his face for most of her life now and it was funny how she still got excited by the sight of it.

Sun Ah pulled back a smile still glued to her face. "So what brings you here, Aboji?" she asked putting some of her hair behind her ears.

"Ah, should I have an excuse?" He said his brows furrowing before walking farther into the room, his deep brown eyes scanning it over quickly.

"Appa . . ." she whined a bit rolling her eyes at how bad he was at lying.

The man chuckled seeing how his daughter saw right through him. " Okay, okay. I wanted to know how you were preparing for your exams."

She chuckled a bit slumping back down into her rolling chair by the desk she shared with Soon Duk.

"I was reading up a bit on martial arts right now as I did some running in the morning and I practiced in the gym room. I went early so that there wouldn't be a lot of students there. Surprisingly I ran into Sang Man. Poor guy he's trying really hard to make it this time. " Sun Ah said as she contemplated on what she did today.

Her dad laughed in response. "Ah Sang Man does have a lot of work to do. But I have no doubt that he will do it. And that's great what you're doing."
Their was a long pause as you curiously looked up at your dad thinking why would he just want to know how you were preparing for your exams.

Under your gaze your dad finally broke. "Aigoo. I don't think any daughter gives her father a gaze like that. Fine I just really wanted to check up on you as I don't see you that much."

At this Sun Ah's eyes grew thin and her cheeks went a rosy hue. "Appa, you know I'm doing great. I mean I have Soon Duk keeping me company and Chi - "

moorim school - wang chi ang x hwang sun ahWhere stories live. Discover now