For Future Reference, I Don't Have Mono

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Now normally I’m not an anti-PDA, five-foot-distance-between-opposite-gender, let’s-all-hate-on-the-love-bug type of person, but this was just ridiculous.

“Jeez you’d think they’d surface for some air.” Kate whispered to me, also attempting to ignore the two people sitting in front of us and failing miserably.

“This is what happens when Mrs. Vanderbilt substitutes.” I nodded towards the front of the classroom where the substitute in question had fallen asleep rather than teach a bunch of bratty high schoolers how to analyze Hamlet. 

“And when the biggest whores in the school are in your class.” Kate sniggered.

I might have reproached her for calling those two people whores once upon a time, but after the years have gone by I realized it was kind of true. If there was one known fact throughout the school, it was that Trey Sampson and Lizzy Christianson were serial whores. I had always secretly loved the irony that Lizzy had the word “christian” in her last name when she was anything but.

“Hey Tess!”

I jerked my head to the left and peered around Kate to see who had been calling me, quickly wishing I’d pretended not to hear them. I had momentarily forgotten that Tyler Bentley sat across the aisle from us in my annoyance with the two people in front of me.

“Hey Ty, what’s up?” I asked, trying not to cringe as the boy flipped his blonde hair out of his face.

“Whatcha doing after school?” he asked.

I opened my mouth to quickly make some excuse but a moan from Lizzy made me change what I was about to say.

“Jesus would you two shut up?” I snapped, whipping my head forward.

A hush fell over the classroom as everyone looked over at us in shock. It was only then that I realized what I had said and slightly regretted it, but I made sure to not show it on my face. Lizzy and Trey turned around to face me with looks of disbelief and anger. It was actually very intimidating and I momentarily congratulated myself on having built up the ability to keep my face blank under any situation.

Both of them were extremely good looking and I might have thought they would make a cute couple if I didn’t know better. Lizzy had shoulder-length dyed red hair and was pretty in a harsh way, like some evil queen. She hated me because as sophomores we had both been in dance class together and I had been better than her, causing the teacher to fawn over me all the time and all the senior cheerleaders had tried to recruit me. I hated her because honestly she was just an annoying bitch.

Trey was also intimidating in his good looks. He had eyes so dark they were almost black and dark hair, both contrasting oddly against his skin. He had tattoos running down his right bicep of some sort of design with a skull in the middle. As I said before, at that moment I was nothing but grateful at my ability to show no emotion because on the inside I was terrified.

“Jealous?” Lizzy asked me icily.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh so jealous. Nothing I’d like more than to end my week with a case of mono.”

Lizzy gaped at me in shock before hissing. “You bitch!”

That made me grin and I couldn’t help but press her buttons a bit more. “Though I have to say I’m quite impressed with your lung capacity. No wonder you’re such a hit with all the guys.”

“What are you trying to say?” Lizzy asked daringly.

Before I could even get a word in Trey answered in a tone that could be best described as bored. “I think she just called you a whore.”

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