What's she going to do, wipe her STD's on me?

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When I got home it was around 5:30 so only my mother was home. Not that that wasn’t bad enough.

“Tessa where were you?” she demanded the second I walked into the house.

I spared her a small glance before I took off my jacket and shoes and placed them by the door and on the coat rack. 

“Answer me, Tess.”

Finally I turned around and answered. “The hospital.”

My mother let out an exasperated breath. “I thought I told you to cut down your time there.”

“I did. I didn’t go yesterday.”

“Don’t you sass me! Once a week is plenty.”

“Oh yeah? Then why don’t you and Dad go even that much?”

“Don’t you start on that with me young lady! Did you forget about our deal?!”

I immediately paled and shook my head. “No mother.”

She nodded, apparently pleased by my response. “Good. Go do your homework and don’t forget to change for dinner.”

Not needing to be told twice, I hurriedly ran up the two flights of stairs to my room. I spent around two hours writing an essay on Hamlet and finishing some math homework until Ms. Erickson, our cook, buzzed me on the intercom and told me it was dinnertime. I quickly pulled on a green summer dress and walked down the staircase. When I walked into the living room I found my father and mother greeting none other than the Bentley’s. I tried not to groan and I wished my father would finish his business deal with Mr. Bentley so they would stop dropping by all the time for dinner. 

“Tessa, it’s so wonderful to see you!”

I faked a smile. “Hello Mr. Bentley, Mrs. Bentley. Hey Tyler.”

“Hey!” Tyler grinned at me, eyeing me up and down. I began to feel uncomfortable and was grateful when my mother had us all sit down, and then less grateful when she purposely sat me next to Tyler.

I zoned out as I ate dinner, instead finding my mind drifting to Trey for some reason. I tried to shake him out of my head but the more I tried the more I thought of how Arthur had called him misunderstood, but a wonderful boy. I had never seen anything but a man-whore, was I missing something?


I immediately snapped back into focus and looked over at Mrs. Bentley who was looking at me expectantly. “I’m sorry.” I told her politely. “I’ve been working on an essay for english and I’m afraid I’m still a bit distracted by it.”

“Of course. You must be proud to have such a hard working daughter, Shelly.”

“Oh yes, very proud.” My mother nodded. I was probably the only one who could hear the slight sarcasm in her voice.

“So what clubs are you part of this year?” Mrs. Bentley asked me.

“The National Honor Society is the only one, I’m too busy with my classes and AP tests to really be involved in too many clubs.”

“That’s too bad. I remember when my daughter wanted you to be a part of her cheerleading team. She said you were an amazing dancer.”

I smiled and thanked her for the compliment. I had vaguely remembered that it was Ty’s sister who was the head cheerleader who, as a senior, had begged me to join their team.

“What are you doing this year, Tyler?” My mother asked

“I’m on the football team.” Tyler told my mom, flashing his trademark white smile. My mother instantly seemed to melt at his smile and I inwardly cringed. This was exactly what I was worried would happen if my mom spent too much time around him.

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