Those onion cutting ninjas floating about

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            “Please Tess, open your eyes.”

            Open my eyes? I wondered. Aren’t they already open?

            “Tessie come on, this idiot’s been crying like a baby without you here.” A voice joked, though his voice sounded too tired for it to be anything but half-felt.

            “And what were your tears from, those onion cutting ninjas floating about?” the other person snorted.

            “You look like a dweeb when you cry.”

            “You look like a pansy.”

            “You’re a-“

            “For the love of God. Stop.” I managed to croak out.

            Instantly the room when silent and I felt two pairs of hands with a grip on either of mine.

            “Tessa?” a voice asked hesitantly.

            I managed to get enough motor control over myself to force my eyes open and then instantly closed them against the light overhead. I opened them again hesitantly and blinked until my eyes adjusted. Two pairs of heads were hovering above my own and I smiled at the two most important people in my life.

            “Tessie!” my brother cried, leaning forward to wrap his arms around me gently and pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I know I’m awesome and everything, but just because I fell into a coma doesn’t mean you have to copy me.”

I laughed weakly at his conceited joke. “You idiot, if I ever fell into a coma I’d do it ten times better then you.”

“Please don’t.” Trey said wearily.

“I was so worried, that fucking bastard I could kill him all over again.” Hunter declared.

            “Again?!” I demanded, pulling away slightly.

            “Way to ease into that one, genius.” Trey glared at Hunter.

            “What happened?” I asked, looking between the two of them.

            They shared a dark look before looking back at me.

            “It was all thanks to Ben that we found you.” Hunter told me. “He texted me the second he found out Sam and that bitch Lizzy took you from school, which was unfortunately already a day after you had disappeared. Trey and I were going mad trying to figure out where you had gone.”

            “I almost murdered that bastard who was watching you. I can’t believe he let Lizzy seduce him into forgetting what he was supposed to be doing.” Trey scoffed, shaking his head in disgust.

            “Yeah, he did.” Hunter nodded, looking mildly impressed before he turned back to me. “But Ben told us that the place was too deep in Viper territory to attempt to get you out safely, so he told us to wait until Axel took you to a different part of the city to attempt to marry you.”

            Both boys scowled heavily at that and Trey’s hand tightened on mine slightly, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand.

            “It was lucky for us that Ben stumbled upon you in Axel’s apartment.” Trey added on. “Not many people knew you were there and if he hadn’t seen you in that room, then Axel wouldn’t have entrusted him into the secret and we would have had a harder time finding you.”

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