If I was bi you would have something to worry about

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I lay shivering on the ground for a bit before I had the sense to take out my phone and text Kate. Leaving. Now. I then texted Tyler and apologized but said I had to take Kate home because she was wasted. I ran over to my car and was soon joined by Kate.

“What happened?” she asked hurriedly.

“Not here. Please.” I asked her, barely able to speak through my pent up tears. She nodded in understanding and I drove to her house where I then told her everything. She held me while all the tears I had been holding in suddenly poured out.

“Why did I have to be such an idiot?” I sobbed.

“Some of the blame goes on Hunter.” Kate tried to reason with me, but I just shook my head. “It’s not your fault that Axel’s a creep who won’t leave you alone, sweetie.” she continued, stroking my back.

“And as for Trey, he was just trying to make you jealous because you’re dating Tyler now.”

I sniffed. “Why would he do that? He doesn’t like me. He’s the biggest man-whore at our school, remember? That was probably just a normal thing at parties for him.”

“He’s never spent so much time around one girl before.” Kate pointed out.

“He’s just grateful because I spent time with his grandfather. Besides, even if he did like me it would all go downhill. The second he heard about Axel he’d run as far from me as possible.”

“I didn’t run away when you told me everything.” Kate pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

“Axel doesn’t want to kill you. If I was bi, then you would have something to worry about.”

“Please girl, I’m way out of your league!” Kate scoffed teasingly. I laughed at her. “There’s the Tess I know!” she cried out happily. “Don’t worry, everything’s going to work out. And you’ve always got me. If I didn’t run away then, I’m not running away now.”

“Thanks, Kate.” I told her, hugging her.

“Yeah yeah, I’m a fantastic friend. Now call your mom, we’re having a sleep over and I wanna watch some movies! But none of your horror crap, I wanna see some action!”

After I called and left a message with Ms. Erickson we popped some popcorn and had a James Bond marathon until we both fell asleep with the movie still playing. I spent the next day entirely with Kate as she was worried about me being alone. We went to the mall and saw a movie then hung out at a coffee shop for a good part of the day. Our sleep-over soon became a two day thing and this time I didn’t bother to call my parents and they didn’t call me.

On Sunday she went with me to visit Hunter and Arthur, whom she had met once before. Normally I tell Arthur everything, but I didn’t want to tell him about what Sam said to me at the party and so I was quieter than usual and I think he could tell something was wrong, but he didn’t push me to tell him.

Tyler had texted me a few times throughout the weekend but I was too sick of him to keep up a conversation so usually I delegated the task of answering to Kate, which she found very amusing.

Monday came sooner than I wanted and our two day sleep-over slipped over one more night and we both hurried around getting ready for school, calling a good bye to her parents as we ran to the car.

“You see what happens when I’m with you?” Kate exclaimed. “Your tardiness rubs off on me!”

“Welcome to the dark side. The teachers hate you.” I nodded somberly.

When we got to school my eyes seemed to zero in on Trey’s bike where he and a different girl were sucking faces. I wrinkled my nose at them and parked as far away from that spot as possible.

“Where does he find all these girls?” I muttered. Was there seriously like a group of them he had on speed dial?

“Ignore them.” Kate told me. “When he gets sick of all these girls who aren’t you, he’ll come running back.”

“Kate I already told you, this isn’t some romance movie. He doesn’t like me like that and I don’t like him.”

Kate mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like, “Bullshit.” but I ignored her.

We walked into the school and when I saw a familiar face with blonde hair swung to one side Justin Bieber style, I tried to squash down my first impulse of running away.

“Hey babe.” Tyler said cheerfully, pulling me close to kiss me and then swinging an arm over my shoulders. “How was your weekend?”

“Good I spent it mostly at Kate’s house.”

Tyler glanced over at Kate and nodded. “That’s cool. I went and saw the funniest movie!” And he began to give a detailed description of this raunchy comedy he saw. He seemed to have a gift for making me zone out.

Tyler was the perfect boyfriend throughout the day. He walked me to my classes, he held my hand, he held open doors for me, he was everything girls look for in a guy.

I hated all of it.

I hated how fragile it made me feel when he did things for me, as if I couldn’t do them for myself. When he bought my lunch for me I almost broke down and yelled at him, but I held it in and gave him a strained smile which he promptly returned. I was also beginning to hate how cheerful he always was. I felt slightly bad for the guy, but honestly it was like whatever he did I would inevitably find it annoying.
English was by far the most awkward class.

It was bad because Tyler sat behind me the whole class and seemed to find enjoyment in playing with my hair.

It was bad because Trey walked in fifteen minutes late with a giant hickey on his neck, resulting in one of his friends giving him a high five.

It was bad because the teacher called on me and I was so distracted by my irritation for the two boys to hear her.

And it was godawful because Trey ignored me.

I felt like such a girl admitting it, but I had missed his flirty comments, his note passing, his mentioning how awesome my car was at least once a day. I missed him. And he probably didn’t even care.


Sorry this chapter's kind of short and not too exciting but I wanted to save the exciting part for next chapter! Vote and comment please guys!! 

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