My brother tried to exorcise me...

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A light streaming in to the room made everything appear red from behind my shut eyes and I opened them groggily to see where the light was coming from. The heavy blue curtains patched up with some duct tape here and there were open a crack. I squinted against the blinding light and was momentarily confused as to where I was until last night came back to me. That was when the embarrassment settled in.

There was an arm draped loosely over my waist with a hand resting on my stomach and I carefully turned my head so that I could see Trey’s sleeping face. His head was cradled in the crook of his other arms elbow on the pillow and his mouth was slightly parted as he breathed deeply. Once again he reminded me of a small child and he looked completely adorable. I held myself back from doing something rash, like stroking his face or kissing him like some creep, and instead tried to sneak my way under his arm so I could use the bathroom.

He moaned slightly in his sleep and his arm tightened around me, his other arm shifting to also wrap around my waist so now I was completely pressed against him, making me turn bright red. I tried to shift slightly but only ended up rubbing him in the wrong place, making him let out another moan.

“Trey get off of me!” I panicked.

“What?” he asked groggily, sounding completely out of it.

“Let me go!” I hissed at him.

“Shh, sleep.” he hushed me, pulling me, if possible, even tighter against him.

I sighed irritated, but then grinned as I thought of a way that would definitely wake him up. I began to grind my hips against his, making him groan again.

“Tess you really don’t want to do that...” he said in a strained, husky voice. His hands seemed to say the opposite, though, as they went to my hips.

“Are you sure?” I asked, trying to make my voice sound seductive.

“Uh-huh...” it was clear, though, that Trey had no idea what he was agreeing to as the words came out as a more of a moan and he had dug his face into my shoulder, his fingers digging in slightly to the skin on my hips.

“Okay.” I said cheerfully, managing to pull out of his grasp now that his hands were unwound from my waist and getting off the bed.

I couldn’t contain the burst of laughter when I saw the look on Trey’s face. He was a mixture of confused, frustrated, sleepy, and lustful as he looked up at me, his face slightly raised from the pillow and his hard-on clearly displayed.

“Goddammit, Tess!” he hissed as he realized what had happened, throwing the rest of the blankets completely off of him and swinging his legs off the bed so that he was facing forward. “Wasn’t there a nicer way to wake me up?”

“You didn’t enjoy it?” I pouted, but that quickly melted into a smirk as my eyes drifted to his sweatpants. “Cuz it sure looks like you did...”

“Damn feisty tease.” he muttered as he stood up and went to search through his drawers.

“Hey, you were the one who told me to stop.” I defended, raising my hands up in a show of surrender.

He didn’t reply, just threw me a dirty look as he grabbed some clothes.

“Where you going?” I asked.

“To take a cold shower.” he shot over his shoulder moodily, stalking off to the bathroom.

Still chuckling slightly to myself, I walked downstairs to find the kitchen. It was right off the front room so it didn’t take me long and I helped myself to a poptart while waiting for Trey. I had just finished my second one when I heard his footsteps echo down the wooden stairs and he used the doorway of the kitchen to swing himself into the room energetically.

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