Chapter 28: Is Anyone There?

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A/N: Inspiration for this chapter came from a scene in the movie Maid of Honor where Hannah tries to call Tom from Scotland, comment if you know what I'm talking about!

Merry Xmas and Happy Movies and Chinese Food day to all my Jewish readers xD Like and if you want comment what holiday you celebrate or something you got/wanted for Christmas :) <3


Jasmine and I are just starting to date and we've known each other for almost a month, which is insane how fast time passes. Last week, after Luke's house I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes.

We went on iceskating dates, stay at home nights, video game days, beach workouts and I feel like we're the same person. Beneath her sarcastic, tough exterior, is a health and video game nerd just like me. I'm starting to finally feel happy again.

"Good morning sleepy head!" I feel Jas messing up my hair and shaking me.

"Hmm," I groan, "Morning babe." I flicker my eyes open to see my beautiful girlfriend next to me. "I'm gonna go get ready." I kiss her on the forehead and walk into the bathroom. "I'll make some breakfast." She calls back.

I get in the shower and turn the faucet on letting the steaming hot water slosh down my back as I run my hands through my hair letting it soak in the steaming water. I lather soap in my hand and wash my hair when I hear Jasmine calling my name over the loud water that crashes against my back and splashes the tile floor.

"JOEY! Someone's calling you!"

"Just answer for me, okay?"

"OKAY!" Jas yells again so I can hear her over the water.


My eyes flicker open as the bright sun comes streaming in through the sheer hotel blinds, directly pointed at my face. Justin creates a warm presence with his arm placed heavily over my torso as he spoons me. I rotate my head and give him a kiss on the forehead, gently pulling his arm off of me so I can get ready to pack. Today the fifth month of my trip in Paris comes to a close as we pack up and get ready for the last stop before we go home.

I make such a mess in these hotel rooms, honestly. I take all my clothes out, and basically move in for a month in each location we go to. London is the last location. One month there and then I fly home with Justin. He's extended his vacation beyond Paris to come and stay with me in London so we can travel together. After our lunch together, I asked him to come with me and he said yes. We get to spend a whole month abroad together before going back to California.

We have to leave for the airport in three hours so I frantically try to pack before my last meeting in London. I run around the room flinging shoes, dresses, and shirts into my suitcase. Justin, making much smarter decisions than I do, is already packed and ready to go so he gets to sleep. I walk back and forth cramming all my clothes into the tiny suitcase.

I undo the zippered compartment that's designed for dirty shoes to stick a pair of Sperry's inside when I see a piece of paper. I pull out this piece of paper that is folded in thirds.

Oh my god. It's can't be...

I unfold the wrinkled paper to see the messy script handwriting I immediately recognize.

"Dear Katie,

Ever since we were little pre-schoolers you've always been there for me. Whether a kid knocked over my lego tower, or if I needed someone to talk to. You have always been my bestfriend. Going to school together, all the sleepovers, all the memories. When we went off to college Brittany and I knew that it wasn't the right school for us, but it was your dream school. Leaving you for LA was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. I don't even know if you remember but I had the biggest crush on you.

One day I was in the parking lot at Whole Foods when I get a call from Brittany who tells me you were moving to LA. I screamed/squealed/freaked out I was so excited!

When I went to get you from the airport I didn't recognize you until I saw you running at my car, waving, with a huge smile on your face because you look so different. You are so beautiful. Every day I look at you and think of how beautiful you are and how lucky anyone would be to have you. You're perfect.
I started falling for you all over again.

That night when we watched Spirited Away I couldn't help myself, I had to kiss you. I now know that wasn't the best timing but I meant everything I said to you that night and I was devastated when you didn't feel the same way. Kissing you in the livestream, playing the Pokemon Challenge, watching us fail at the Cotton Ball challenge, holding your hand on the flight here, picking you up from James's, cuddling you when you were scared, bringing you breakfast, kissing you yesterday. Every single thing I do with you is better than the next because you are hilarious and always happy and upbeat. I don't know what I'd do without you. When we kiss I feel like we are made for each other. The way we laugh, order the same food. The way you fit perfectly with my family, how you made Jett smile like I've never seen anyone do before. Everything you do makes me love you more.



As I finished the letter, I've let my tears roll down my face and stain the page. I was stupid to let him go. How could I be so nieve, so selfish? I love him, but I pushed him away and blamed my breakup with James and the long distance. He called so many times and I kept pushing him away again and again until he gave up on me. He gave up on me. I was so selfish. I lost my best friend. I keep fighting this mental battle with myself whether I should move on or confront Joey.

Without thinking about any consequences, I pick up the hotel room phone and dial Joey's number. The phone rings twice until he picks up on the other end. I freeze. My breath hitches as the other line clicks on. I didn't think he would pick up. I don't even know what to say.

"Hello?" A voice calls that is certainly not Joey's.

"Is anyone there?" The mystery voice calls again. It sounds like a girl? I must have the wrong number... why would he change his number? As I go to hangup the phone, I hear another voice over the line. I hear a door open in the background, and I hear a faint voice. It's Joey. "Who is it babe?" Babe?

"I don't know they aren't talking!" I hear the female voice yell to Joey.

"Just hang up Jas. So anywa-" I hear Joey say, and then his voice is cutoff by the girl hanging up the phone. Babe? Jas? Of course, he's moved on. Why wouldn't he? I have too...

There's just something there that makes me keep thinking about him and calling him that I can't pin point.

I start sobbing before I realize I'm soaking the letter. I put it back in my bag and force myself to finish packing, shoving articles of wrinkled clothing into my wheeled suitcase. I move faster and faster around the room as the thoughts spinning in my head suffocate me. The more I cry, the pounding in my head increases and I get a headache.

I can't keep crying over him. I come to my senses and realize I need to stop. I love Justin and I don't need to keep thinking about Joey. I finally bring an end to my endless cycle of missing him and wondering what if's, I delete his number and any form of contacting him from my phone, sniffle and continue to pack.

His phone contact may be gone, but I'll never be able to forget him.

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