Chapter 1: Thats how we met

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It was the first time ever you come to their concert, BTS's concert. Well, its not exactly a concert, its a showcase and fan-meeting event. You were an ARMY since last year, so its been a year since.
You came to their showcase with your sister, you didn't know whats waiting for you, until... It happened...


D-Day of the concert.

"Bitch why u took so long just to wear makeup?!! Imma kill you if I'm late to see my baby suga!" Your sister yelled at you after she saw you walking out the door. "I cant afford to look ugly AF when I'm about to see my Jimin you bitch" you answered. Calling each other 'bitch' is common for you guys to use as you guys are sisters, you guys didnt feel offended or feeling hurt hearing it.

Get in the car, you seat on the passenger seat with your sister driving, well you're older than her 2 years, your just 19 and shes 17, well doesnt hurt anybody with your younger sister driving you right? Lol

Both of you LOVE BTS so much. You who love makeup with your whole life had to give up on buying new products just to safe money to buy the ticket, and your sister who love collecting colored pen and fluffy things had done the same.

-Arrived at the venue- 
"Quick! The show will start in 15! Take out the ticket" you sister yelled again. "Why is this bitch keep yelling and telling me what to do! I'm 2 years older than her -_-" you think to yourself as you take out the ticket from your wallet and give it to her.
As you guys reach the entrance of the venue you remember that you forgot to bring something, you stopped while looking at your sister in shock while widened your eyes, "what?! What happened?" Your sister asked as she widened her eyes too. "No shit! I forgot to bring my present!" "Where did you put it?!!" As she yelled at you, you snatched away the car key from her hand and ran as fast as you can to the car. Fortunately, you've expected this kind of thing would happen so you've prepared it before hand. The night before you went to the concert, you've put your present in the car at the back sit, so even if you forget to bring it in the morning, it wont be a big problem.
"Geez i almost forget you" you said as you see the present, take it and ran again back to your sister that has been waiting for you at the entrance. "Got it" you said to your sister handing back the car key. "You bitch! You scared the shit out of me!" You laughed.

-Inside the venue-
Your heart beat as its about to explode "f**kin hell! My heart is beating like shit!!" Your sister shouted as she hold her chest, you grabbed her hand and hold it tight "mine too bitch! Butterflies going crazy inside my stomach!! Omg!!" You squeezed her hand harder and tighter.

The light goes off and a video clip started to appear on the screen, you both screamed your throat out. "SUGA OPPA!!!" You sister shouted as loud as she could "JIMINNIE OPPAA!!!!!!" You shouted along with your sister. 'I need you' MV starts to play, all of the audience started to sing along together, every melody, every chorus, every rap, everything. The MV ended and the MC came out.
"Hello ARMY! How you guys doing?" He said in excitement "WERE FUCKIN FINE!!! WERE FUCKIN READY!! AAAA!!" We all shouted "You guys seems so excited to meet these 7 gorgeous creatures" "Oh yes fuckin YES" you and your sister said. "In a few moment we will start the high five session start with the VIP guest in the front row first".
They began to turn the light off for a while, 7 beautiful figures started to appear as the light goes back on. Everyone in the venue screamed just like animals that go wild 😂😂
"Fuckin hell!! They are so fuckin handsome in real life ! No" you and your sister screamed "no it must be a fuckin dream. I think this is a dream. Omg" your sister said while blinking couple of times in disbelieve.
Your stomach started to feel butterfly again, this time, its much more than before, you can feel the tension, you can feel the nervousness, much more of when you ride a roller coaster. You can see your sister grew much more nervous just as much as you do as she become quieter. Its always like that, when shes nervous, she become quite, sweaty hands, pale face and always looking down. "So cute" you said quietly as you see her face. You feel your hands starts to get sweaty, you hold your sister's hands and squeeze it again, she moves her head to look at you and you look at her "bitch i don't think i can make it alive when I'm up there" she said, "bitch you don't say that, that makes me more nervous bitch!!" You screamed at her.

I can see its the 3rd row's turn already, its about time. "Dont forget what we've learned at home, like a ninja" she said to you, you nodded.

Its your turn to go up, you took your present and take out whats inside, a yellow Bottega bracelet.

Its your turn to go up, you took your present and take out whats inside, a yellow Bottega bracelet

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You waited in line.
One by one started to do the high five. You were standing behind your sister, so your sister will be the first one to do the high five with Taehyung.

You can saw them, you saw them clearly with your own eyes, its like a dream come true. Finally, its time. Its your turn to do the high five with Taehyung, you saw his face, you examined his face. His beautiful features stunned you, his beautiful smile when looking at you, his hand that is prepared to give you high-five, everything that you saw at that moment stunned you. You felt that your face is hot, you could feel that your face turned red. Without knowing you move your left hand up and covered half of your face. Then you moved to Suga, then Jin, Jungkook, Rapmon.... And the long awaited moment of your life, its Jimin's turn.

"Don be nervous (Y/N), you can do it" as you said to yourself, you looked into his eyes slowly, he looks back while smiling. You felt your heart bumping, shaking, throbbing, beating, whatever you call all those feeling. You saw his hand is up, its your time to do your thing now, as you do the high five, you put on the bracelet that you held on your hand on his hand as fast as you can so that he wont realize. Then i move to Jhope.

But then... I felt a hand grabbed mine....

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