Chapter 8: should i ? Should i not ?

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----JIMIN's POV----

We have to do our schedule in a moment but i cant see (y/n) everywhere, i keep looking around and i see suga hyung, i approach him and ask "hyung, do you know where (y/n) is? Its about time to do our schedule but i cant see her around" "she's at the hospital" he said "WHAT?! WHY? WHAT HAPPENED? WHY DONT YOU TELL ME?!! WHICH HOSPITAL IS SHE?" When i'm about to run he grab my hand "jimin-a, lets get out" he ask. I follow him to the rooftop, "why hyung? I need to see her", "dont worry jimin-a, she's fine, she just got over stressed, the doctor tell her to take a few months of break from her work in order to stabilize her condition. Its not serious, its just overthinking. She's resting now" he said while looking at me. "Few months? Isnt that too long just to stabilize her from overthinking?" I questioned his explanation "what's really happen?" I ask again. "Thats it, the doctor said...she got mental breakdown from overthinking, she need to stay away for awhile from her surroundings, being with the people that got over thinking might not be good. She just needs to rest. That's it jimin-a" "this is my fault, i made her like this" i feel tears begin to build up on my eyes "no, its not you. Dont you know that the stylist she works with sometimes giver her all the pressure? So dont blame on yourself, its not your fault" he hug me. I hug him back and nod "i want to see her after today's schedule ends" "okay, i'll go with you" then we get back to the waiting room and do our next schedule.


----READER's POV----

As i open my eyes from my sleep i heard the door opened. I turn my head and see suga oppa and jimin entered.

"(Y/n)-a.. Are you okay? I heard that youre...sick" Jimin lay his hand on my head and start stroking my hair with worried face, i look at suga and mouth "thank you" i know suga knows what i meant. "What are you doing here?" I look at jimin, "i'm worried about you, thats why i come, i want to see how you doing, is that...wrong? I'm sorry" he look down to the ground "dont say sorry, you've done nothing wrong, as you can see, i'm fine. You can...go" i said then looking away, turn my body away from him, closing my eyes and start crying quitely. "I'm sorry jimin-a" i thought to myself.

"(Y/n) you can push me away, but dont tell me to go, i cant just..leave you while you're here..sick" his voice starts to crack. "At least...let me take care of you"

"I dont need you, i'm fine by my own, beside, you have someone else to take care of. Go" i said then bite my lips try not to lose control of my emotions. "(Y/n)-a please,, i beg you, dont do this. I know youre hurting, but i'm hurting too seeing you like this, hm? Let me take care of you" he said, and i feel his hand on my head again stroking my hair "whatever, do whatever you want to do, now just,, go, please" "okay, i'll come back again tomorrow, rest well and eat a lot sweety" he kisses my head then leave.

When i heard him going out the room, i start to cry "(y/n)-a" suga oppa approach me "dont push yourself too hard, i know you still love him, he loves you too. Give him a second chance, hm? I know you're hurting but look at him, he's a mess too right now. You guys love each other that much, give him.. A second chance, believe in him just one more time, hm?" He said while stroking my hair and wiping my tears on my cheeks, i nod "i'll think about it oppa".


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