Chapter 6: whats the best?

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You go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a test pack, a pregnancy test, when you got home, you immediately check it.

You wait for awhile in the living room drinking your coffee "it cant be...right?" You thought. You take a look at the test pack and your jaw dropped, you feel teary and your heart start to beat fast. "Oh no..." You grab your hair in frustration, "it cant be" you keep repeating yourself.

You hear someone knocking at your door, you immediately throw your test pack away on a trash can. Your wipe your tears in your eyes and walk to the door then open it.

"(Y/n)-a~" you laugh slightly "hobi oppa, suga oppa, rapmonie oppa, why are you guys here?" You giggle "you wanna rap for me?" "What? Nooo~.." They stare at each other and laugh "haha! Yeah!! Were the rapper line! Its a coincidence!" Rapmon said, "come in"

They sit and you go to the counter to make them something to drink "is there anything you want to drink or eat?" You asked while preparing for the glasses "i want cookies!! And an orange juice" jhope said "do you have cola? I want cola" rapmon said "you guys dont have manners of visiting someone else's house dont you? You shouldnt ask for something like that, you should ask for something fancier, i want pasta" suga said making all of us laugh.
"Yes yes i got it! Wait for a while, i'll prepare them. You guys can watch the tv, make yourself at home" you said and start preparing what they've asked.

----JHOPE's POV----
We came to (y/n)'s apartment to see how shes doing, suga hyung was so worried about her, he couldnt to her apartment alone so he asked to come alonh, so me and rapmon agreed to it.

We arrive to her apartment and suga hyung knocked her door. She opened the door, but she didnt look good, we all know that.

As (y/n) making us out food and drink i poke rapmon's arm "is she okay? She doesnt seem well, you see her expression?" I asked and rapmon nod "something's a lil bit off" he said and we looking at her.

I can see suga hyung is walking around admiring how well she designed her apartment, as we all know that he's interested in this kind of thing. I can see his smile from behind. "Its rare for him to smile like that for this kind of thing right?" I asked rapmon and he nod again.

At one point, he stop walking and keep staring on a trash can widened his eyes with shock expression. "Whats wrong?"

----SUGA's POV----

I was walking around to see how pretty well designed is her apartment, when i saw something shocking being thrown away on a trash can, i was so shock i dont know what to do i can feel my jaw dropped. "What is this (y/n)-a?" I speak in a low voice. "Hm? What?" She asked while turning her head to me. "What is with this..." I stop for a moment "test pack?" I look down again in disbelief on the test pack and pick it up. "WHAT?!" Jhope and rapmon screamed and go to suga to see the test pack. "It shows 2 lines, that means, its positive. That means.. Its positive that.. Youre... Pregnant?" Rapmon said while looking at her, me and jhope also lift our head up to see her.


You run to them and take away your test pack, your pregnancy test and you hide it behind your back. "N..n-no.. This is not mine.. This is.. Hm... S-Seeyoung's unnie!!" You said to them then turn back to the counter. You can feel my heart beating fast, my arms, hands, legs, all of them feel so weak. "Oh my god, they shouldnt find out" you thought.

You feel a hand on my shoulder, you jumped. "(Y/N)-a...." Suga turns you to face him, you can see all of their worried faces. You feel like crying, but you think that have to hold it. "What?" You laugh "i-its really not mine! I-i promise. Hehe" you said while biting your lips. You couldnt control your emotions, you feel tears start to stream down your face, you just laugh it off "dusts just came in my eyes" you wipe your tears away.

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