Chapter 5: No... It cant be

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I step into the bighit building, inhale as deep as i can and i get into the lift. "(Y/N)-a!!! How dare you disappear just like that for a week without any single freakin news!" Seeyeong unnie said "it was hard without you" she hug me tight, i smiled "i'm sorry unnie".

"(Y/N)-a!! You came back!" Suga shouted as he see me "i miss you! Its really boring without you here!!" Jhope yelled and hug me "hehe i'm sorry, now i'm back fellas!" I said while giggling.

I saw familiar figure as i see on my right, i look at him in silent "i need to go, see you later guys" i said to them and run away quickly.

I'm trying my hard to work as usual with my 'usual' personality even when he's around. Acting like nothing happen, our relationship is a secret except among the BTS's members. He keep his eyes on me all the time, its a little bit uncomfortable but i just ignore it.
Seeyoung unnie tell me to take a piece of clothing in the wardrobe room, i bumped to suga "i'm so sorry!" I widen my eyes "no need to apologize! Its alright" he said while smiling, "where are you going?" He asked "to the wardrobe room, seeyoung unnie told me to take a piece of clothing there, hehe, i need to hurry, bye!" "Wait! I'm coming with you" he followed me.

I take what seeyoung unnie told me to "here you go, lets go back" i said. Suddenly i feel the urge to throw up again "shit, wait" i ran to the toilet and told suga to hold the clothing, but he followed me running to the toilet.

"(Y/n)-a are you okay? Whats wrong? Are you sick?" He shout outside the toilet. I couldnt answer and keep throwing up "oh my god what happen to me"..

----SUGA's POV----

"Shit, wait" she said while holding her mouth, i think shes about to throw up as she ran to the toilet, i'm so worried so i followed her to the toilet "(Y/n)-a are you okay? Whats wrong? Are you sick?" I ask her. "Is she sick?" I thought to myself and see her come out from the toilet holding her stomach "i feel dizzy" she said, i'm so worried, i take her hand and sit her on the nearest bench. "Are you okay? Are you sick? Lets go to the hospital" i said as i examine her face, she's a little bit pale "no! I'm okay! Beside you have schedule after this, you shouldnt go anywhere" she smiled weakly. Geez i'm so worried, last week when she cried over Jimin she also experienced the exact same thing, is it because she thinks too much and got stressed out? My mind keep spinning.

We're back to the waiting room, i saw jimin run to her "are you okay? Why do you look so pale?" He asked with worried expression on his face, i let him take care of her, and back to my chair to get my makeup done.

----JIMIN's POV----

I'm looking for her, scanning over the room but couldnt find her. The room's door opened and see her with suga hyung, i ran to her and see her face, she looks so pale "are you okay? Why do you look so pale" i ask. "I'm okay, if you excuse me, i need to go back to my work" she bowed her head and leave.
I grab her hand and pull her to face me "let's talk" i drag her out of the room.

"I know your mad at me, i know youre disappointed at me, i know you hate me, but please! At least Tell me, are you okay?" I ask again with worried and sad expression, she look at me, i can tell that she's feeling weak right now, "i'm ok jimin-a, you dont have to worry about me. You should get your makeup done, its about time to your next schedule" she smile weakly, "lets go jimin-a" she grab my hand a bit and let go when she suddenly hold her mouth "go, i need to use the bathroom" she said and walk fast towards the toilet.

I can hear her throwing up, i'm worried AF right now, i'm waiting in front of the toilet, as she come out and i grab her hand "let's go to the hospital "no!" She let go of my hand hard "BUT YOU LOOK COMPLETELY NOT FINE!" I shout, "It's none of your business" then she left.


I get back to the waiting room and start to do my work again, give seeyoung unnie what she asked me for, i can hear that Jimin is back.
We finish our work and get them to do their schedule.

The day passed and i'm back to my apartment, throwing myself on my bed "its such a long day" i take a deep breath and starts closing my eyes.

I open my eyes slowly and walk to my desk, looking at the calendar, "what date is it" i look through the date, and see a number with red circle , i think for a moment then cover my mouth in shock "no" i said "no no no no no" i grab my hair "no it cant be" i stand up and sit on the edge of my bed "no, it cant be...No" i lay down and closing my eyes "shit".


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